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Updated by Kara Febres on May 27, 2022
Kara Febres Kara Febres
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Resources for a Diverse Classroom

Helping teachers with a diverse classroom.




Nearpod is a great tool to use in the classroom. It is a slide based webpage to help educators teach and students learn. This multimedia source allows instructors to create various formative assesments and lesson plans that can be guided towards specific student needs. This tool is great for a diverse classroom because some students may struggle more than others so the specifics of this site guide students to success.


Teaching In the Intercultural Classroom- Here Comes Everyone

Teaching In the Intercultural Classroom- Here Comes Everyone

This book is great to educate teachers on a diverse environment with their students. It shows the development of the intercultural journey- embracing cultural identity, values and beliefs. Educators should read this book to become more familiar with incorporating lessons to teach on diversity. Also, to get to know their students better and interact with them with knowledgable information.

Teaching 4 Diversity | Resources

Many schools, organizations, governments etc. have put together various sources in one link to help teachers. These tools can be useful for educators in their classroom when they are struggling to incorporate a diverse environment with their lessons. This website links to specific resources on culture, immigrants, indigeonous people, and specific ethnic groups. There is many strategies to take from this site and use in your lesson plans.


Learning for Justice- Online resource

Learning for Justice- Online resource

This is a great tool for teachers to understand their students. This online webpage gives various articles that relate to teachers and their students. This tool initiates how as a teacher you can form a bond with each and every one of your students through specific learning tools and help your students grow with one another despite their race. This tool is great for future educators is they are stuck on connecting with their students.


Teaching for Diversity and Student Success- Book

Teaching for Diversity and Student Success- Book

This book is a great way to educate teachers on how to enhance a diverse classroom experience. This reading shows how to close achievement gaps and create productivity in students in a diverse aspect. this book is great for educators because it allows them to accept students and help promote them to do their best even if they are not comfortable. It will make them that way.


Ed puzzle - Multimedia source

Ed puzzle - Multimedia source

Edpuzzle is a great way to have a tool to use for teaching. Edpuzzle encounters a diverse experiment that allows teaching to become easy and it adjusts to the students needs based on their own personal skill level. This is also a easy to use platform that is both benefical for educators and the students.


Class dojo - A multimedia tool for students and parents

Class dojo - A multimedia tool for students and parents

This wonderful tool is great for use in the classroom. This is because it allows teacher to reward students for good and bad behaivor. Also, this helps teachers keep attendance up to par and who is working hard throughout the week. This tool allows children to get their own original feedback of their behaivor in the classroom. I like this tool because you can involve parents that way they can see their progression on their children or if they should have a concern.


Scholastic News

Scholastic News

This online news page is directed for children in the classroom. It's categorized by grade level that way children can read and understand based on their skill level. This tool is great for teachers when trying to teach about something specific. They can go find an article on here specifically about the topic; their students can read and customize it so they understand. This works will childrens needs and displays them to learn and read comfortably within the class.


Read, Write, Think

Read, Write, Think

This online tool is very useful for teachers because it allows us to see other teaching methods. This page allows teachers to contribute to lesson plans they they have taught and share them with the internet to other teachers. This tool allows customized lesson plans, activites, readings and it can incorporate the students parents. This relates to diversity because teachers can find lessons that aquire to each of their students needs.


Google Arts and Culture

Google Arts and Culture

This tool is great for diversity because teachers can select pictures to refrence on lessons for their students. They can choose specifics based on their students likings or understandings. Also, this tool allows students to customize their favorite artworks, sories and experiences they had on this page. This tool is great when representing diversity because it includes teachers and students. It also allows students to input their own thought in choosing things that they like.