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Updated by Hope For Your Story on Oct 01, 2024
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Approaches to Discipline

Your kids will feel most secure if they know you have set appropriate boundaries for them and that you aren’t afraid to enforce them. But sometimes it’s hard to know if you’re disciplining your children effectively. These resources will help you know what to aim for!

4 Easy Ways to Improve the Way You Discipline

As you correct your kids in their behavior, they need to hear four messages that affirm them and show them of your love and care.

Stepparenting Discipline Dos and Don'ts

Emotional attachment, trust, and love are what open the door to influence in stepparenting.

Tailor-Made Discipline

Guide your child's behavior with strategies for every age and stage

Immediate Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior?

Recently, several parents have called us asking for guidance on how to deliver consequences for inappropriate behavior. Many parents have heard that consequences must be delivered immediately following inappropriate behavior. However, we believe that there are good reasons why this isn’t always such a great idea. Immed

Developing Rules and Consequences

If you’re feeling out of control and not in charge of your own household since your teen hit their adolescent years, you’re not alone. Many parents of teens struggle to create rules and boundaries in their homes as their children grow up and begin to make their own decisions.

Parenting Sons Without Regrets: The Discipline of Discipline

Parenting Sons Without Regrets: The Discipline of Discipline, Rhonda Stoppe - Read teen parenting advice and help from a Biblical perspective. Help for Christian parents raising teens in today's culture!

A Simple Formula for Discipline - MOPS International Blog

Q: I’m really struggling because my preschooler doesn’t do what I ask her to do. How can I teach her to listen to me and follow my instructions?

Is "Gentle Parenting" Really All that Gentle?

What is gentle parenting? This parenting style's popularity is rising rapidly. Explore some of the key characteristics of gentle parenting.

Administering Discipline for Attitude Problems

The discipline that worked yesterday with your child may not work today. Be flexible. We hope you'll find these tips helpful.

Why Do Kids Make Mistakes? (Book Excerpt From “No More Perfect Kids”) – Celebrate Kids

Does it ever feel like your child does more wrong than they do right? As a parent, we know our kids aren’t failures. They can fail a quiz here and there, not win a tournament, and not earn a raise during their first job review, but none of that makes them failures.

My 11-year-old won’t take ownership. — Ask Dr. Leman 194 (Episode 415)

It’s time for another Ask Dr. Leman: “My 11-year-old won’t take ownership.” Listen in to find out Dr. Leman’s response on this episode of Have a New Kid by Friday Podcast.

Healthy Discipline for Adopted Children

If possible, understanding any past injuries (emotional or physical) unique to your child will help you as you seek healthy discipline methods. Keep in mind that healthy methods of discipline should account for the child’s age and personality and the parents’ and the child’s needs for control, safety, proximity and consistency in order to create a new environment where attachment and trust can grow.

Discipline Is Like A Battery

Dr. Dobson uses a battery to explain the need for a balance between the positive and the negative.

6 Ways to Respond to a Strong-Willed Child

Here are six practical ways to respond when parenting a strong-willed child to help them grow into the best person they can be.

Discipline and Your Teen

Lifting up our teens with affirmation, blameless love, and connectedness is critical for their health. But like a table, a fourth leg is needed to keep things on an equilibrium -- the leg of parental guidance and enforced boundaries. If teens are to stay safe and healthy, your love must be balanced by and actively demonstrated through appropriate, loving discipline.

Decide to Discipline: Toddlers

What does the Bible say about disciplining your toddlers? How can parents discipline their toddlers most effectively?

Mom and Dad Approach Discipline Differently

How can my husband and I get on the same page when it comes to child discipline? The classic differences between the distinctively male and female styles of child discipline - i.e., the dad who stresses rules and the mom who tries to understand and make appropriate allowances - are all too evident in our family. This has caused problems for my husband and me. He says that my tendency to extend grace and take circumstances into account is just "sentimental." As he sees it, our kids won't be prepared for life in the "real world" if we don't take a "firm hand" with them. How can we work together and learn to see the benefits of each other's approach?

Ask Dr. Leman - Disciplining an ADD Child

Has the “B doesn’t happen until A is complete” rule ever gotten a little confusing? Have you ever wondered about how to discipline your child who has ADD? In this podcast you will hear my answer to both of these questions.

5 Ways to Discipline Our Kids

Every parent has been there and we've probably even made mistakes in disciplining children. But we can always correct what we do wrong. Here are five ways to discipline our children in the right way.

Discipline That Connects with Our Children’s Hearts

Disciplining our children well takes creativity, intentionality, and costly grace. We aim at restoration — the way God disciplines his children.

Grace Based Discipline

"Parents face a crazy paradox," says author Karis Kimmel Murray. "We love our kids exactly as they are, but we also love them too much to let them stay that way "

Disciplining Your Kids With Love and Limits

In a conversation centered on their book Put the Disciple Into Discipline, Erin MacPherson and her mother, Ellen Schuknecht, discuss the importance of parents demonstrating love in the midst of disciplining their children. Erin and Ellen also talk about teaching our kids self-control, helping them (and ourselves) become slow to anger, and faith training.

  • Life is full of surprises, challenges and questions – and sometimes we all need help finding answers. Are you struggling in your marriage? Is your son or daughter involved in activities that have you worried? Or maybe you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy or navigating conflict with your aging parents. Whether you’re in the midst of a major crisis or simply a perplexing situation, we have compiled resources that can point you in the right direction. And remember – we’re constantly updating our content, so check back frequently for the latest and greatest resources.

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