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Updated by AlQuran Classes on Apr 25, 2022
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AlQuran Classes

"Al-Quran classes offer four courses of Quran for children, women, and men. They can guide you on each course and help you choose a course for you. The four courses are;

• Recitation of Quran with proper Tajweed
• Tajweed of Quran with the correct pronunciation of Quranic Alphabets
• Hifz Programs with the excellent memorization of verses in Tajweed
• Arabic Grammar and linguistics with basic knowledge of vocabulary

Fight depression in the light of Islam and Science.

Islam values the significance of good mental health and emotional well-being. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) teaches us different ways to overcome depression, stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts.

Why is gold for men forbidden in Islam?

Most of the time, when I see a man wearing gold. The only question that strikes my mind "Is it Halal for men to wear gold?" For this reason, I have researched and found several blogs on forbidden gold for men.
The blog which helped me to understand the reason behind Gold haram on men is available on a website name AlQuranclasses.

AlQuranclasses, The source of Quran Learning!

In the modern world, there are many ways to learn about Islam. Some people choose to learn about Islam through reading the Quran. Others choose to learn about Islam through listening to lectures or watching videos. Some people choose to learn about Islam by taking online Quranic classes. As we live in the era of technology, it is easy for Muslims to devote their time to taking online Quran Classes.

"AlQuranclasses" A better way to Online Quran Classes

Many online Quranic readings services offer Online Quran Classes. Some services also allow users to listen to recitations of the Quran, while others provide interactive tools that help Muslims learn about Islamic prayers and beliefs. One of the best recommendations is offering by AlQuranclasses on 20% discount in this blessed month.

The Virtues of Ramadan - AlQuranClasses

The holy month of Ramadan is an important time for Muslims. The fasting ritual lasts for about 30 days and is observed by abstaining from food, drink, and other physical needs during the daylight hours.

Ramadan is also a time to reflect on one's actions and thoughts during the previous year. It's a time for self-reflection and spiritual growth through increased devotion to prayer, good deeds, charity, and reading the Quran.

Ramadan- 5 Key Points that Shouldn’t Miss

Muslims learn the Quran during Ramadan by reading it, reciting it, and listening to recordings. They can also learn Quran through online Quran classes. There are some websites which are offering Quran classes for your comfort. AlQuranclasses is one the most popular online Quran classes provider because of its customized plan, and nowadays, they are offering a flat 20% off on registration.

Time to learn Quran Online from the comfort of your home. Join Us Today.

The purpose of Ramadan is to commemorate the revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad and to focus on Allah's teachings. Ramadan is a necessary time for Muslims worldwide because it is the month they are commanded to fast.

Many online Quranic readings services offer Online Quran Classes. One of the best recommendations is offering by *AlQuranclasses *on 20% discount in this blessed month.

Ramadhan-The Holy Month is divided into 3 Stages [Ashra's]

Holy Quran is revealed in the holy month of Ramadhan. It is a source of true guidance for all. With the facility of Qur’an Online Academies.

Additionally, the website provides helpful tools and resources, such as quizzes and discussion boards, which make learning the Quran even more fun and engaging. Overall, Alquranclasses is a great resource for anyone looking to learn the Quran in an efficient and fun way.

Choose your right destination

AlQuranClasses offers various online courses related to Quran. e.g. Noorani Qaida, learn Quran Reading with Tajweed Rules, & Hifz Quran.

Hundreds of AlQuranClasses original articles on social issues based on Islamic perspectives are provided here. So have a look at our blogs to broaden your view of looking at the Muslim World.

Rewards of Pregnancy in Islam

The *Quran *is full of advice on how to raise children well. One of the main benefits of pregnancy is that it provides a safe and nurturing environment for the developing baby. Pregnancy also allows the mother to get plenty of rest, which is essential for her health and well-being.

Difference Between Deen And Religion | Distinctive Aspects Of Islam

Deen is an Islamic term that refers to the principles and practices of Islam. Religion is a term used to describe the beliefs and practices of various religious groups.

While both deen and religion share some common elements, they also have significant differences. Deen focuses on the spiritual aspects of life, while religion focuses on the spiritual and temporal aspects of life.

A way leading to Jannah

AlQuranClasses offers various online courses related to Quran. e.g. Noorani Qaida, learn Quran Reading with Tajweed Rules, & Hifz Quran.

Hundreds of AlQuranClasses original articles on social issues based on Islamic perspectives are provided here.
So have a look at our blogs to broaden your view of looking at the Muslim World.

How to Offer Salah When You’re Sick?

There is a lot of confusion about what Muslims should do if they are sick. Some people believe you can go to the mosque if you are minor sick, while others believe that only those who are seriously ill should go.

The answer really depends on the severity of your illness and whether you feel well enough to attend prayers. If you are feeling better, it is best to visit a mosque and offer prayers on behalf of yourself and others in need.

Walima And Its Importance in Islam | Walima- The 3 Sunnah Ways

Walima is the Arabic word for "wedding." In Islam, there are several walima ceremonies, each with its own specific objectives. Walima is often seen as a religious obligation that must be carried out in accordance with specific guidelines.

The most important walima ceremony is the marriage itself. After the two families have agreed to marry their children, the marriage must be formally announced to the community. The couple then spends some time together before the actual wedding ceremony takes place.

Learn to Earn Jannah

There are many reasons someone might choose to take an online Quran course. Some people may want to learn the Quran for personal enrichment, while others may want to recite the Quran accurately. Alquranclasses provides a variety of online Quran courses that cater to these different needs.

Whether you are looking for a course that will teach you how to recite the Quran correctly, or one that will help you learn more about the Islamic faith, Alquranclasses has a course for you.

Husband-Wife Quotes In Islam

Islam is a religion that emphasizes family values. Many Muslim marriage quotes emphasize the importance of husband and wife being together in harmony. Some quotes to consider include:

"A good wife is someone who listens attentively to her husband, respects him, and helps him take care of his home and family."

"A good husband is someone who sacrifices his time and resources for his wife and children."

The Special Rewards of Fasting In Islam | AlQuranClasses

Fasting is an important part of Islam. By fasting during Ramadan, Muslims can receive many rewards. The rewards of Ramadan are many and varied. Many Muslims find spiritual enrichment in Ramadan, as they learn about the Noble Quran and consider its teachings. Others find that fasting helps them focus and be more productive.

There are also tangible rewards, such as increased energy and improved physical health. In the end, Ramadan is a time of self-reflection and growth for all who take part.

A life toward Jannah

AlQuranClasses offers various online courses related to Quran. e.g. Noorani Qaida, learn Quran Reading with Tajweed Rules, & Hifz Quran.

Health issues in Ramadan | Medical Considerations When Fasting

Make sure you drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, especially if you feel thirsty. Consuming fluids helps regulate body temperature and prevents dehydration.

Avoid eating large meals late at the night or in the early morning hours. Eating large meals late in the night or early morning can lead to digestion problems and weight gain.

If you experience symptoms such as headache, dizziness, or fatigue, speak with your doctor.

Tarawih-20 Rakats| night prayers in the Holy Month

Tarawih is an important part of the Muslim religion. It is a time for Muslims to offer night prayers to Allah. It is a time when Muslims can focus on their spirituality and pray for the forgiveness of their sins.
In order to offer Tarawih, one must have completed the daily five prayers and be in a state of ritual purity. The prayers are offered at night, after sunset, and before dawn, with each prayer being recited twice in succession.

The light of the Quran

AlQuranClasses offers various online courses related to Quran. e.g. Noorani Qaida, learn Quran Reading with Tajweed Rules, & Hifz Quran.

9 prime Advantages of Online Quran Classes - AlQuranClasses

Online Quran classes are advancing quicker than earlier, especially after Coronavirus. The recent pandemic has guided to a greater understanding surrounding the benefits of online learning. While online or digital courses have achieved bearing over the last decade, their majority has increased significantly since the onset of the pandemic.

Taqwa In Ramadan | Ways To Enhance Taqwa In Ramadan| 9 Quranic Verses

Taqwa in Ramadan is a measure of a man’s authentic worth.

  • An enslaved person with a more elevated amount of Taqwa in Ramadan is superior to the expert.
  • A poor person with a more prominent awareness of Allah is more respectable than a ruler.

Allah judges a man’s honor and regards as indicated by the level of his Taqwa in Ramadan.

Charity in Ramadan| 8 kind of People applicable| Rewards and Benefits

Ramadan is a time when Muslims around the world take a step back from their daily routines and focus on Donating Charity, Fasting, Prayer & Worship.

forgiveness- 7 Quranic powerful Verses

And O my people! Ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Him; he will send you (from the sky) abundant rain and add strength to your strength, so do not turn away as Mujrimoon (criminals, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah).” [Hood 11:52]