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Updated by Brooke Boser on Aug 31, 2013
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Social Media News - Week of August 26, 2013

Top news articles I found this week!

How to Get Major League Results From Social Media

The San Francisco Giants have the most engaged fan base in Major League Baseball. They're recognized as social media standouts in the sports world. But as recently as three years ago, they had no cohesive voice on social media and no social media strategy. The Giants were a traditional organization in a traditional sport.

The Real Generation Gap: How Adults and Teens Use Social Media Differently (Infographic)

There is no magic bullet when it comes to connecting with your customers online, but understanding their social media habits is a good place to start. According to a recent study from the Pew Research Center, 81 percent of teens and 72 percent of adults are active on social media.

32 "Do's" and "Don'ts" for Your B2B Pinterest Strategy

Learn the 32 most important "Do's" and "Don'ts" to keep in mind when developing your B2B Pinterest Strategy. As we've discussed before, Pinterest can be an excellent platform for B2B companies to market their brand in a unique way. However, sometimes, developing a good B2B Pinterest strategy can be tough.

How to Edit Your Own Writing

Like most newspaper reporters, I got into the biz because a) I love writing and b) I'm pretty good at it. But it's a sobering profession. You file your masterpiece, only to find your editor thinks it's two dozen "tinks" shy of publishable.

Google Keyword Tool Has Officially Been Replaced By Keyword Planner

The Google Keyword Tool, used by SEO professionals the world over, has officially been retired. While the sentiments regarding this change have been mixed, there are positive and negative aspects to being forced to use the Keyword Planner instead of the Keyword Tool.

The Simple Secret That Can Transform Your Marketing Strategy

In the age of infobesity, companies are struggling to separate themselves from the digital noise and to draw meaningful attention and interest from their current and potential customers. This struggle happens mainly because internally there is a big struggle going on between marketers' desire to plaster their product-centric messaging across all of their assets (after all, they need to justify that annual budget, right?)