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Updated by cyj on Mar 20, 2024
Headline for Top 10 Best Percy Jackson ships *IMO*
cyj cyj
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Top 10 Best Percy Jackson ships *IMO*

Here is a list of what I think are the best PJO ships


3. Caleo

They are one of the best and funniest ships to exist.


1. Percabeth

We all knew this was going to be here. The best ship ever!


2. Solangelo

I just love them, they look so good together like sunshine and darkness.


4. Jasper

For the people who haven't read ToA, spoiler alert!
Even though they broke up I loved them together.


5. Gruniper

An underrated ship but Grover and Juniper absolutely make the best nature ship ever.


6. Frazel

One of the cutest ships ever.


7. Charlena

Another underrated ship, both Beckendorf and Silena died in the same book but they had to be in the top 10.


8. Tysella

I never thought that a cyclops and a harpy can make such a great pair.


9. Chrisse

Only for one book but Clarisse did help Chris recover from the madness of the labyrinth.


10. Tratie

Last but not least we have Travis and Katie. Though not mentioned much they make a nice pair.