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Trajex Marketing Solutions, Affordable Marketing Agency

Trajex provides online marketing management and consulting services to businesses throughout the Northeast. We can help you create and optimize social media posts and ads, run email and SMS text marketing campaigns, improve SEO, and track your results! Need top-shelf branding and design? We produce industry-leading graphics, ad copy, and campaigns to drive your business forward.



Trajex Marketing Solutions

Trajex Marketing Solutions
What We Do - Trajex Marketing Solutions

Trajex Marketing Solutions offers a wide variety of marketing services to help your company achieve its sales goals and move up in your industry.

How We Do It - Trajex Marketing Solutions

Trajex Marketing Solutions offers a wide variety of marketing services to help your company achieve its sales goals and move up in your industry.

Who We Are - Trajex Marketing Solutions

Trajex Marketing Solutions is a dedicated team of professionals specializing in Advertising, Copyrighting, Graphic Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Design and more!

Blog - Facebook in 2022 - Still a Powerful Startup Channel!

Facebook might not have the trendiness or clout of TikTok and Instagram, but it remains a core social media giant with hundreds of millions of active users.

Blog - SMS Marketing Part 1: Why it's Underrated

When most of us think about the concept of digital marketing, the first thing that comes to mind is social media. Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are the standards for B2C companies, and networks like LinkedIn and Twitter are well known as B2B platforms. If we expand further, we may think in terms of email marketing: customized campaigns sent out to groups of clients, customers, donors, or investors. However, one area remains commonly overlooked and undervalued: SMS text message marketing.

Blog - SMS Marketing Part 2: How to Build an SMS Audience

In this post, I’m going to describe how you can build an SMS text audience to run your marketing campaigns. In some ways, this is the hardest part of the process, because you have to build up a roster of numbers in much the same way you’d build up a list of customers for your website or followers on social media. It’s always a challenge! Regardless, the effort is worth it, because the ROI on these campaigns can be insane, even with a relatively small audience.

Blog - SMS Marketing Part 3: Launch, Dos and Don'ts

When you’ve got a growing, segmented database, it’s time to launch your first campaign! In the third article in this series, we’ll go over the details of launching one and some SMS best practices. First, you’ll have to choose a platform. You don’t run these campaigns by simply plugging a bunch of numbers into your company cell phone; an external platform allows you to send bulk messages at low rates, from a number that isn’t traceable to your personal phone.

Blog - SMS Marketing Part 4: Creative Applications for SMS

We’ve covered many aspects of SMS marketing, from building an audience to execution. Still not sure how this highly cost-efficient tactic can be used by your business? Read on for some specific applications!

Blog - What Am I Trying To Accomplish, Anyway?

I want to talk today about the major goals of social media marketing. Everyone knows that social media is promising. Every major company has at least one page, social media influencers make six figures posting selfies and subtly representing brands, and empires like Facebook and Twitter dominate our headlines and business news. So when you start up a new page, you know you're joining the mainstream.

Social Media Marketing Services | Boston Marketing Agency | Trajex

The best Social Media Marketing Agency in Boston. We share your brand story, connect you with your target audience and get you recognized as a trusted name in your industry.

Start Social Media Marketing With Trajex Marketing Solutions