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Updated by Tine Ramos on Aug 24, 2013
Tine Ramos Tine Ramos
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Bowling Tips: Getting the Spares and Terminology

Bowling tips from Korean Pro-bowler Kim Seul Gi.

Bowling terminology/tips presented in KBS Variety Show: Cool Kiz on the Block.

credits to KBS World and Athlete Kim Seul Gi


Knocking Pin 7/10

Knocking Pin 7/10

If you want to knock over pin 7/10,

Stand diagonally towards the pins.
Walks right up to the pins.
Make the ball roll diagonally as seen on the image.


Key Pin

Key Pin

Key Pin is the pin in the back that you aim for.

Aim for the key pin to get the spare.




It is hard to get spares when you roll a Big Curve. Its better to make a Small Curve.

When only pins 6 and 10 are spares, make pin 9 as your imaginary key pin and aim for that.


Bowling Key Factors

Bowling Key Factors

There are basic ways to get the spare but there's no right answer. Everyone has different bowling styles. There's no rule that will apply to everyone. It'll be different for everyone.

being right-handed or left-handed


Snake Eyes

Snake Eyes

Snake Eyes is when only pins 7 and 10 are left as spares.

It is also a difficult split even for pros.


Baby Split

Baby Split

When pins 3 and 10 or 2 and 7 are left as spares. This is actually an easy split.

Aim for the pin on the back: pin 10 or pin 7.


1-2-10 Spare

1-2-10 Spare

Getting the spare for pins 1, 2 and 10: Roll it between 1 and 2 then pin 1 should hit pin 10.