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Updated by Hope For Your Story on Oct 01, 2024
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Becoming the Husband I Want to Be

True love, the kind of love that keeps a couple together for a lifetime, is not a feeling but an attitude. These resources describe the issues that can impact your marriage and offer practical suggestions to help your relationship with your wife thrive and improve your attitude towards one another.

Tips for Being a Good Husband: A Wife's Perspective

Love is the foundation of all good husband qualities. While there are many qualities that make a good husband, here are three I’ve seen.

You Just Fought: Now What? 3 Steps to Repair After a Fight

Conflict is an inevitable part of every relationship, putting us at odds and out of sorts with the ones we love most. Close intimate friendships that were once good-natured and friendly are now marked with disharmony, disconnect and hurt feelings. How do you repair the relationship after the argument, and restore the intimacy you once had?

Young Husband: It Might Not be Her; It Might be Her Situation

Preachers and teachers on marriage (and I have been among them) often warn young moms about being moms first and wives second. It’s certainly a dangerous and ever-present temptation that deserves attention. But this post is for the young husbands who have their own temptation—expecting their wives to be more than any one woman could possibly be while raising their kids.

Husbands, Love Your Wives (Here's How)

Husbands, wondering how to really love your wives? On FamilyLife Today, hosts Dave and Ann Wilson share what women need and how to go to the next level!

Husbands, Want a Better Marriage? Listen to Your Wife!

When your wife says there's something wrong with your marriage, guess what, there's probably something wrong with your marriage. And for the sake of that marriage, a husband would do well to listen.

‘Happy Wife, Happy Life’: And Other Misleading Advice to Young Husbands

Some of the mantras given to me as a newly married man may have hurt, instead of helped, my enlistment into the active-duty husbandry put on display in Jesus Christ. Consider four naive, and easily misunderstood, words of counsel given to new husbands, even from well-meaning Christian brothers.

Six Statements That Inflame a Wife When She’s Already Upset

This week Emerson and Jonathan discuss six ways that a husband can really
hurt his wife and the marital relationship with the things he says during
conflict. This can occur when he attacks her feelings, her thinking, her
beliefs, her relationships, her self-image, and her willpower.  

Cherish Your Wife (Part 1 of 2)

Dr. Walt Larimore offers Biblically-based insight on the marriage relationship and what it means for husbands to honor and value their wives.

Men, Your Wife May Be Dying

The Big Idea It's very possible that your wife is dying a slow death inside because she has no emotional intimacy with you. The Teaching Most married couples have very little private talk time each week.  Jobs, kids, chores, and screens(phone, laptop, iPad, television) take up most of their time.  Conversations, when they happen, tend to be brief and about superficial topics.  So, emotional intimacy is practically nonexistent. The wife feels the pain and loss of this lack of emotional connection

When My Wife Told Me She Didn't Love Me Anymore

Ten years in, my wife told me she didn't love me anymore. I would have said our marriage was a 10 out of 10. How was I so blind to the deadness of her heart?

52 Things Wives Need from Their Husbands

Many wives long to have their husbands choose them all over again. To be their knight in shining armor. Their leader. Their listener. Their lover.

Four Phrases Your Wife Would Love To Hear From You

Husbands, when your wife is facing tough times or is weary, and it’s in your heart to help her in some way, you might think, “If I only knew just the right thing to say to make her feel better and let her know how much I love her.”

When Your Wife Doesn't Like You

Your relationship with your spouse is often gauged by a "like meter," which describes how you feel about him or her. What can you do to lift the needle?

Secrets to a Successful Marriage-Become a Better Spouse

If you want to improve your marriage, you can start by becoming a better spouse. Learn some simple and practical ways you can be a better mate.

Date Your Wife

Show her your love by making sacrifices to keep those date nights alive.

If Only He Knew

With over 800,000 copies in print, If Only He Knew by bestselling author Gary Smalley has long been esteemed as one of the premier books on marriage for men. Smalley helps men understand their wives and meet their needs in order to establish a loving, thriving relationship that will last a lifetime. Newly revised and expanded to reflect up-to-date research and the current cultural landscape for today's modern audience, this book is the perfect guide for husbands who want to love their wives and strengthen their marriages in a way like never before. Using humorous and touching illustrations from his own life, as well as case histories and biblical examples, Gary Smalley maps a blueprint to a better marriage that will have a deep and lasting impact on men and their wives.

3 Things Your Wife Needs from You Emotionally

3 Things Your Wife Needs from You Emotionally, by Keren Kanyago.

Date Your Wife

Dating tends to go out the window once you walk down the aisle, but Justin Buzzard says the best dating begins after marriage. Buzzard’s new book, Date Your Wife, focuses on the thrills and benefits of pursuing and wooing your wife.

Understanding Your Wife's Mood Swings

Women certainly wish their husbands understood these physiological factors which play such an important role in the female body.

6 Tips for Being a Godly Husband

A FamilyLife staff member offers six ways husbands can be godly in their role.

  • Life is full of surprises, challenges and questions – and sometimes we all need help finding answers. Are you struggling in your marriage? Is your son or daughter involved in activities that have you worried? Or maybe you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy or navigating conflict with your aging parents. Whether you’re in the midst of a major crisis or simply a perplexing situation, we have compiled resources that can point you in the right direction. And remember – we’re constantly updating our content, so check back frequently for the latest and greatest resources.

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