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Updated by Baisakhi Chakraborty on Sep 28, 2022
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HDFC Sales Blog

HDFC Sales caters to the varied needs of a diverse set of customers, ranging across retail and HNIs. We offer customised solutions in the areas of Home Loans, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Fixed Deposits, Education Loans and NPS.


Things to Keep in Mind When your Child is Filling an MS Application Abroad -

Sending your child abroad to study might be a matter of
pride but can overload parents with several responsibilities and questions. One
of the most relevant problems parents face is funding their child’s education
abroad. Undoubtedly, securing an education abroad is much more expensive than
studying in our own country. However, you might be a little hesitant to send
your child overseas for further education. 

"What is a Home Loan Overdraft Facility? 5 Things to Know About Overdraft Facility - HDFC Sales Blog"

The overdraft facility in a home loan allows the borrower to deposit an additional amount above the loan amount, who wants to pay off their housing loan faster and save money on interest. Know more details with HDFC Sales.

Importance of Buying Term Insurance when you have a Home Loan -

Becoming a homeowner is perhaps one of the biggest aspirations of many. While it is not necessary to buy any insurance when securing a Home Loan, it is prudent to protect your family and dream home against uncertainty with the help of Term Insurance. A Home Loan is a  key enabler for home buyers and a popular borrowing tool that helps you achieve your dream.

Why Women’s Health and Wellness Shouldn’t be Ignored? | HDFC Sales Blog

When it comes to women, in particular, they frequently overlook their health and wellness. They have so much on their plates that they tend to ignore one of the most important areas of their lives: their overall health status.

"What is a Home Loan Overdraft Facility? 5 Things to Know About Overdraft Facility - HDFC Sales Blog"

The overdraft facility in a home loan allows the borrower to deposit an additional amount above the loan amount, who wants to pay off their housing loan faster and save money on interest. Know more details with HDFC Sales.

Is it Essential to File ITR to Avail Home Loan? - HDFC Sales Blog

"The Income Tax Return (ITR) is required to be filed by every Indian citizen every year. An individual who files an ITR will be eligible for a lower-interest house loan. For more information, visit our blog. "

Best Mutual Fund Schemes in India for Gen-Z - HDFC Sales Blog

Read this blog to gain knowledge about the best mutual fund schemes in India for Gen-Z. Mutual funds are investments plans for combining funds from investors sharing a joint investment goal.

What is Exit Load in Mutual Funds? - HDFC Sales Blog

Exit Load is a one-time charge levied when you exit from the ongoing mutual fund investment. Read the following blog to understand why exit loads are imposed and where a mutual fund's exit fee goes.

Determining Factors for Stamp Duty Over Property -

Stamp duty is a form of indirect
tax, also known as stamp tax, that is imposed by the government on the purchase
of property or legal documents. The stamp
duty on residential property is paid to the government to maintain legal
proof of ownership or sale of a property. For the document to be effective, the
revenue stamp is attached or impressed upon a document. This is done to show
that the stamp duty has been paid.

How are fixed deposits beneficial for senior citizens - HDFC Sales Blog

The fixed deposit is a good way to save or invest your hard-earned money since it pays off better than other forms of investment. Read more about how fixed deposits are beneficial for seniors. Click here.

Invest in Your Retirement Travel Dreams With NPS - HDFC Sales Blog

NPS provides benefits after retirement if you wish to travel. You can safely invest in your retirement travel dreams with NPS. India's National Pension System assigns each citizen a permanent retirement account number. Click to know more!


Avoid Strife With Click2Protect Life - HDFC Sales Blog

Avoid Strife With Click2Protect Life - HDFC Sales Blog

Being smart about your finances can see you happy and stress-free in your future. Whether you wish to collect a corpus for your retirement, a period when there is no regular source of income, be financially secure to tackle uncertainties, or secure your family if you are no longer around, a financial plan is a clever strategy to blow your concerns away! Click to know more!

Protecting Your World With Saral Jeevan Beema- HDFC Sales Blog

The importance of having life insurance could not be stressed upon more than in the
current atmosphere. Most individuals avoid planning for the future, and the
future of their loved ones in the event of any unfortunate event. The main
reasons for this stem from a lack of awareness about plans and schemes, and
from an attitude that “nothing will happen” in terms of unforeseen events.