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Updated by chloeannred on Apr 03, 2022
chloeannred chloeannred
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A Delicious Way to Become a Microbe Parent!

Are you a germaphobe and believe all microbes are out to get you? Well let me try and change your perspective of them using these cool little guys called Lactic Acid Bacteria which gives us our much loved kimchi that we enjoy with any Asian inspired dish.



How does Kimchi ferment? The Science of Lacto-Fermentation and Kimchi

Kimchi is korean fermented vegetables. Its fermentation process is part of the lacto-fermentation family, which can be found in sauerkraut, yogurt and wine.

Hard to believe that sophisticated machinery and complex processes aren't required to make this mouth watering accompaniment. All you need is cabbage, salt, water and spices of your choice leaving the rest up to our valiant microbes, it's that simple!

Frontiers | Lactic acid bacteria contribution to gut microbiota complexity: lights and shadows | Cellular and Infecti...

Sure LAB have their flaws like causing allergies, high blood pressure or dare I say the worse... weight gain! BUT personally I think their good outweighs their bad. So how do you feel about them? Friend or Foe?


Lactic Acid Bacteria

Lactic Acid Bacteria

Lactic Acid Bacteria also known as LABs are the creators of lactic acid through performance of biological activities giving kimchi its characteristic sourly yummy taste.

Sometimes the good guys turn bad because of the situation they're in or simply because they are unaware of the others ulterior motives, like for example, when LAB "shares" their antibiotic resistance gene with pathogenic bacteria. Being one of the good ones is a blessing and a curse!