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Updated by Jackson Middleton on Jul 23, 2020
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Dog Tweets-11 ways to Use Google Alerts to Get More Visibility Online and Off

Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow The Publicity Hound on Twitter. 11 ways to use Google Alerts to get more visibility online and off. Google has a very useful free alert service which can help you get more visibility, both online and offline.

The huge advantage of TV publicity vs. print and how to get on TV-free training today

If you want to get into a big national magazine, you'd better be pitching your idea six months ahead of the publication date. That's the long lead time for many magazines. But if you wake up tomorrow at 7 a.m.

6 easy ways to find book reviewers, editors on LinkedIn

One of the biggest changes in the world of promotion is the ease with which you can contact journalists, bloggers or writers on social media sites and see a quick response. Many of these same people would let an email pitch languish in their Inboxes forever, unanswered.

7 reasons the media want your helpful, how-to tips lists

Need publicity but can't think of any newsworthy stories about your business to offer to journalists? Frustrated because the story ideas you ARE pitching seem to have fallen into a big black hole? If so, turn to the simple tips list, which should be a staple in your publicity campaign and which can get you major publicity in national media outlets.

Dog Tweets-How to Make a Marketing Video

Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow The Publicity Hound on Twitter. How to make a marketing video. A beginner's guide. Ready to start creating videos? Here are 5 quick wins you can knock off your to-do list today.

Offer freebies, pull customers with a Twitter whisper campaign

Take a cue from Sprinkles Cupcakes, an oh-so-publicity-savvy cupcake chain that has amassed more than 115,000 followers on Twitter with a "whisper" campaign. Several times a week, it tweets a secret phrase. Customers who go to one of the Sprinkles stores and whisper it get either a freebie or a discount.

Use Google Alerts to form relationships with journalists and get valuable free publicity

You probably already know how to use Google Alerts to discover stories that have been written about you or your topic. But do you know how to take the next important step that will practically force journalists to pay attention to you? It's fairly easy. And Mark Amtower does it regularly.

Children's authors: How to sell hundreds of books by visiting schools

This guest post was written by Kevin Gerard, a fantasy adventure author whose books for young adults include the series Conor and the Crossworlds series and Diego's Dragon. Follow him on Twitter. * * * By Kevin Gerard If you write children's novels, school visits are an enjoyable and profitable way to promote your books.

Dog Tweets-7 Reasons Your New Blog Visitors Bounce, and How to Stop Them

Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow The Publicity Hound on Twitter. 7 reasons your new blog visitors bounce, and how to stop them. If yours is hovering in the 60 percent range or higher, here are 7 reasons your new visitors might be bouncing, and how you can make them stop.

How tips lists can get you major stories in top-tier media

It's one of the most basic tools in your publicity toolbox, and Publicity Hounds have been using it for decades to get mountains of publicity in national print and broadcast media. It's called the tips list, or tip sheet.

5 ways to use curated lists of blogs in your niche

When you find a list of the top experts in your niche, even if you aren't included on it, don't just give it a passing glance and move on. Figure out how you can use that information to make more contacts, become smarter, and get more publicity.

Dog Tweets - How to Choose Keywords That Get Your Press Releases Noticed

Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow The Publicity Hound on Twitter. How to choose keywords that get your press releases noticed. The succe

Social Buzz Club promotes your blog and videos for free

It's frustrating blogging regularly and seeing little traffic. That's why Social Buzz Club, a membership site that's a collaborative content sharing system, is such a great deal. It offers a free level of service, and two paid levels that give you more opportunity for people to promote your posts to more of their followers.

How to attach your iPad to a tripod, safely and securely, to shoot video

If you're considering an iPad for shooting video for a publicity campaign, one of the most pressing questions is how to secure that valuable piece of equipment to the tripod. You do it with a Caddie Buddy, a plastic contraption that, one one end, wraps around the iPad and secures it on all four corners.

Dog Tweets- 3 Great Tips to Grow an Audience for your Blog

Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow The Publicity Hound on Twitter. 3 Great Tips to Grow an Audience for your Blog You may have a few devoted readers who comment every now and then - but it's time to switch up your game-plan.

Find hard-to-locate features on Linkedin with this guide

One of LinkedIn's frustrations is, like Facebook, it's often rearranging the furniture. I was hoping to use Signal, the handy feature that lets you search, by keyword, for people who are discussing a certain topic within their status updates. I hadn't used Signal in awhile and couldn't find it anywhere.

How to create how-to tips on Pinterest for non-visual or dull topics and get top Google rankings

I started the Pinterest board 50 Tips for Free Publicity because it's a powerful way to capture the attention of people who are following me. It takes viewers just a few seconds to read the tip that comes into their feed, and decide if they want to click and learn more.

Dog Tweets - 5 Ways To Create a Social Media Savvy, Shareable Opt-in Offer

Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow The Publicity Hound on Twitter. Legal Help At Your Fingertips, Jim Adler, Texas Personal Injury Lawyer Launches New Mobile Website Great example of a press release that uses anchor text well & piggybacks onto timely topic.

Publicists: Grab a free listing in Writer's Market Directory

Independent Publicists: If you need more clients, don't miss this opportunity. Writers Market, which publishes the giant annual directory, is compiling its 2014 Guide to Self-Publishing, and needs more independent publicists to submit information for a free listing. Readers include self-publishing companies, freelance editors, and others who provide services for self-publishers.

Make killer videos with nothing more than an iPad

If you've been resisting creating videos for your business because you need too much equipment, and (like me), you don't consider yourself a techie, this is for you. My friend Mike Stewart (no relation) shoots good-quality video, adds 3D and music during the editing, and uploads it to YouTube and his other social media accounts, all using just one piece of equipment and a $5 app.

There's a place in my heart for professional organizers, perhaps because I need one at my side every waking minute of every day. While looking through old blog posts, I found one titled Professional organizer needs promotion ideas, and it generated lots of comments from my readers. But that was five years ago!

Dog Tweets-Want to be a publicity expert? Or PR pro? Or publicist? Do these 11 things

Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow The Publicity Hound on Twitter. Want to be a publicity expert? Or PR pro? Or publicist? Do these 11 things. Attend webinars, online training and in-person classes related to PR and publicity.You must never stop learning.

'Publicity expert' can be your title if you do these 11 things

"Publicity expert" questions usually come from high school or college students, but sometimes from people who want to become publicists or PR pros. "How do become a publicity expert, or an expert in PR?" they ask. If I worked in another occupation and wanted to do that, here's how I'd do it: 1.

Corporate speech pathologists need ideas for marketing accent modification services

This "Help This Hound" question comes from Katie Schwartz, president of the Corporate Speech Pathology Network: "I wanted to let you know that I have just publicized your business to over 70 corporate speech pathologists. We work as consultants to the business community. We come from four countries, although primarily the U.S.

Dog Tweets-Free and paid ways to promote your brand on YouTube

Here are my Top 10 tweets from this past week, great for retweeting! If you missed these, follow The Publicity Hound on Twitter. Free and paid ways to promote your brand on YouTube. Here are five AdWords for video options available to YouTube advertisers today.

  • I am wearing a kilt right now and have consumed coffee today. Family Man. Innovator. Foodie. List Maker. Marketing consultant living on Vancouver Island. I don't own pants.

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