Aromatherapy massages are a special type of massages where you can incorporate the use of scented essential oils. This kind of massage includes switching between tender and harder pressure while using a particular mix of essential oils. In certain instances, you can even pick your own choice of essential oils. You do not have to worry about the strength of the essential oils as they are usually diluted before use and applied along with lotion during the massage. You will benefit by coming into direct contact with essential oils, and each of them are known to have their own healing properties. The general benefits of an aromatherapy massage include reducing stress, relieving anxiety, increasing calmness and relaxation and easing the pain from various medical conditions such as arthritic, insomnia, lower back pain and much more. The main aspect to worry about when you book for an aromatherapy massage is to ensure you are not allergic to any of the essential oils; therefore, a spot test at any massage spa in Dubai the likes of Extra Hour Spa is recommended!