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Updated by Malhar Barai on Aug 18, 2013
Malhar Barai Malhar Barai
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Top 5 Posts on Flipboard

This week we had been talking a lot about Flipboard. Here are some great post to get introduced to Flipboard and start Flipping around

Flipboard Magazines: How to Create Them

A Flipboard Magazine Is Content Curation Made Beautiful When I was a kid I loved that my parents subscribed to lots of magazines. Life, Look, National Geographic...whenever a new one arrived I loved nothing better than to flip through their beautiful photos, and once I learned to read, their articles became my best classroom for learning about the wider world.

Five Things You Absolutely, Positively Need to Know About Your Flipboard Magazines

Flipboard magazines are a beautiful way to curate and share your favorite articles, photos, videos and audio tracks. Yet beyond the basic ability to flip content into your magazines via Flipboard's "+" button, there are five more things you can do with your magazine that every magazine-maker absolutely, positively needs to know about.

Establish your expertise by creating your own Flipboard magazine

Flipboard editorial director, Josh Quittner (@twittner) shared four ideas this week as to how Flipboard could be used by business professionals. Though all good ideas, the one drawing my attention was solidifying your expertise. One, because establishing yourself as an expert is key for lawyers today, and two, because the idea arises out of creating your own Flipboard magazine.

A Changing Classroom

If you are into Ed Tech surely you are well aware of I thought, cool, I will be able to create a My dilemma was trying to figure out a way to efficiently check their Blogs and view the comments. It seemed like it was going to involve a lot of mouse clicks.

Flipboard magazines: Useful for Inbound Marketers? - via @MPBroadhurst

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