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Updated by nicolejessicacoggan on Jul 13, 2023
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80 Job Search Tricks You Can Use To Get Your Dream Job In 1 Week

Looking for your dream job? Don't rely on job search boards. Get the job of your dreams this week with these 80 job search tricks you can use to get your dream job in a week.


Improve the Content of Your Resume

Improve the Content of Your Resume

Improve the content on your resume – As a resume writer I see a lot of customers focus on design instead of content. You need to start adding achievements to your resume because this is what sells your resume to the employer. Not sure what to write? You can grab a copy of my free resume achievements questions list here:


Write a job search schedule and stick to it

Write a job search schedule and stick to it

Write a job search schedule and stick to it – I talk to a lot of people trying to find a new job. The thing is 80% of job seekers don’t treat finding a job as a job. If you are unemployed and looking for work, you need to be applying for positions from 9-5, Monday to Friday. Even if you are already employed you need to set a schedule of say one hour per day from 5-6pm to focus on your job search efforts.


Send out cold calling letters

Send out cold calling letters

Send out cold calling letters – This is so effective. Your competition is fierce with over 150+ applicants. One way around it is to set a goal of say 20 places a week and send them a letter and your resume. Your letter should make it clear that you really want to work there should a position become available. (Do not use email, it is only really effective if you use traditional snail mail)


Invest in a Professional Resume

Invest in a Professional Resume

Invest in a professional resume: This is the number one thing you can do to get the job of your dreams. I have literally seen people double their income with a professional resume. Don't believe me? Check out these real life client case studies here.


Make some cold calling phone calls

Make some cold calling phone calls

Make some cold calling phone calls – Just like writing a letter, this is when you give prospective employers a call and ask if they have any potential positions available. I find letter writing is more effective but this approach can still work provided that you can handle being told ‘no’ multiple times in an hour.


Go see the people you want to work with in person

Go see the people you want to work with in person

Go see the people you want to work with in person – This is my favorite approach for anyone looking for work in retail or hospitality. It is hands down the most effective job search method out there for kitchen, waiting and bar positions. Simply print off multiple copies of your resume and hit the pavement handing them out.


Get a LinkedIn Profile

Get a LinkedIn Profile

Get a LinkedIn Profile – LinkedIn is becoming more popular by the day. The biggest mistake I see is people don’t use a profile picture or don’t put any effort into their profile. Make sure you treat your profile like a resume and include all your achievements. If you are going to do LinkedIn make sure you do it properly or it’s a complete waste of time.


Get endorsements on LinkedIn

Get endorsements on LinkedIn

Get endorsements on LinkedIn – LinkedIn give you the opportunity to endorse people for skills you know they have. It also gives users the opportunity to endorse you. If you haven’t already start endorsing your contacts for their skills so they return the favor – make sure you only endorse them for skills you know they have.


Post that you need a new job to Facebook

Post that you need a new job to Facebook

Post that you need a new job to Facebook – You can always post a status update letting your contacts know the sort of work you are looking for and asking if they know anyone. Of course, only do this if you don’t mind your current employer finding out about it. If you don’t want to post a status, try sending everyone a personal message instead.


Send an email to all your contacts letting them know you want a new job

Send an email to all your contacts letting them know you want a new job

Send an email to all your contacts letting them know you want a new job – Building on social media, you can also send a person email to all your contacts asking them to forward your email to anyone that may be interested. Again be careful with this one if you don’t want your employer finding out.