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Updated by chris leahy on Jan 29, 2022
Headline for Top 5 BENEFITS of LOSING WEIGHT!
chris leahy chris leahy
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Research shows that losing just 5% to 10% of your body weight may improve mental health and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.


Helps regulate blood sugar and prevent diabetes

Helps regulate blood sugar and prevent diabetes

Excess body fat leads to an increase in adipose tissue, which causes inflammation and interferes with the function of insulin — the hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Weight loss reduces adipose tissue, which allows the body to manage blood sugar more effectively. Plus, you don't have to lose that much weight to see results. Research has found that just a 5% reduction in body weight improved blood sugar levels in adults.
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Improved heart health

Improved heart health

Losing weight can also improve heart health by reducing pressure on arteries, meaning the heart doesn't have to work as hard to pump blood through the body. The result is lower blood pressure and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels — the "bad" kind of cholesterol that can increase your risk of heart disease.
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Decreased risk of stroke

Decreased risk of stroke

Excess weight can increase blood pressure, and therefore your risk of stroke. This is because
high blood pressure puts a strain on your blood vessels, making them stiffer and more likely to cause blood to clot.
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Better Sleep

Better Sleep

Overweight people are more likely to suffer from sleep apnea — a disorder characterized by disrupted breathing while sleeping. Excess weight can increase fat deposits in your neck, which can obstruct your airways.
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Boosts energy

Boosts energy

Because weight loss can improve sleep, you might also feel more energized during the day. Excess weight also means your body has to work harder to move. Therefore, shedding some pounds means you use less energy to move. It also improves respiratory function, which can also make you feel more energized.
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Better immune system

Better immune system

Added weight puts a lot of stress on the immune system. This leads to more colds and other illnesses. Losing weight helps support the immune system and improve overall health.
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