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Updated by stefanmuller19 on Jun 25, 2023
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Top 5 Manufacturing Articles Ranked by Plant Managers

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Mengyue Wang, Hongxuan Huang
Transients in flexible manufacturing systems with setups and batch operations: Modeling, analysis, and design. IISE Trans. 53(5): 523-540 (2021)



Emre Enginarlar,
Lean buffering in serial production lines with non-exponential machines. OR Spectr. 27(2-3): 195-219 (2015)



Wen Su, Xiaolei Xie, Li Zheng:
An energy and productivity optimization model in Bernoulli serial lines. CASE 2016: 855-860



Ningxuan Kang, Cong Zhao, John A. Horst:
Analysis of key operation performance data in manufacturing systems. IEEE BigData 2015: 2767-2770



Ningjian Huang:
Modeling and Analysis of a Multiple Product Manufacturing System with Split and Merge. ICRA 2004: 2261-2266

IISE Transactions: Vol 54, No 4 (Current issue)

Explore the current issue of IISE Transactions, Volume 54, Issue 4, 2022




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Emre Enginarlar, “A Potpourri on the Theme of Lean Buffering,” Proceedings of the 3rd Aegean International Conference on Design and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems, pp. 249-258, Tinos Island, Greece, May 2001.



Emre Enginarlar, “Conservation of Filtering in Manufacturing Systems with Unreliable Machines and Finished Goods Buffers,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2006, pp. 1-12, March 2006.



Emre Enginarlar, “How Lean Can Lean Buffers Be?,” IIE Transactions, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 333-342, 2005.



Emre Enginarlar, “Lean Buffering in Serial Production Lines with Non-exponential Machines,” OR Spectrum, Vol. 27, pp. 195-219, 2005.



Emre Enginarlar, “Random Demand Satisfaction by Unreliable Production-Inventory Systems,” Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 126, pp. 159-175, 2004



Emre Enginarlar, “Buffer Capacity for Accommodating Machine Downtime in Serial Production Lines,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 601-624, 2002.



Emre Enginarlar, “Conservation of Filtering in Manufacturing Systems,” Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, pp. 165-170, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005.



Emre Enginarlar, “Lean Buffering in Serial Production Lines with Non-exponential Machines,” Proceedings of NSF 2004 Grantee Conference, Dallas, TX, December 2004.



Emre Enginarlar, “How Lean Can Lean Be?,” Proceedings of the 4th Aegean International Conference on Design and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems, pp. 1-10, Samos Island, Greece, July 2003.



Emre Enginarlar, “A Method for Designing Lean Buffering in Serial Production Lines,” Proceedings of NSF 2002 Grantee Conference, Puerto Rico, December 2002.



Emre Enginarlar,, “Buffer Capacity for Accommodating Machine Downtime in Serial Production Lines,” Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1947-1952, Orlando, Florida, December 2001.