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Updated by Kat on May 27, 2022
Kat Kat
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Welcome to the amazing and revolutionary ARISE! Guerilla News Network!

Welcome to Sacha Stone’s ARISE! Guerilla News Network- redefining the concept of real news and on-the-ground reporting, purely grass-roots, word of mouth... attended by people from all over the world with updates on the status quo from leading activists and change-makers. Some of the featuring speakers bringing the updates, are:
Prof Dolores Cahill (UK),
Scott McKay (USA, Patriot Street Fighters),
Sean Stone (USA).
James Martinez (USA).
Nurse Kate Shemirani (UK).
Scotty Saks (USA/MSM).
Nate Maxx and Fanos (Australia).
Steve Davislim (Europe).
Nurse Janna (San Diego).
Andrew Rouchotas (Canada).


ARISE! Guerilla News Network Replay Link December 12, 2021 Part 1

The GNN was launched December 12, 2021, specifically as a response to censorship and the MSM stranglehold on truth. The network relies on frontline activists and concerned citizens to ignite a devastating grassroots movement to disrupt mainstream media lies & deceptions as well as social media censorship & shadow banning. The first two calls had around 750 participants, the latest one on January 9, 2022, capped out with 1,000 in the zoom room (2,695 registered).

ARISE! Guerilla News Network Replay Link December 12, 2021, Part 2

GNN will be broadcast bi-weekly with the next one happening Sunday, January 23, 2022, from 5-7 pm EST.

Interested parties can receive the link to register one of the following ways:
1) Send an e-mail to to receive GNN communication
2) If you are a subscriber to other Sacha Stone initiatives check your e-mail
3) Look for the link on Sacha’s social media channels well as our various projects including Lazarus Initiative and Arise Freedom Tour.

ARISE! Guerilla News Network Replay Link December 19, 2021

Welcome to Sacha Stone’s ARISE! Guerilla News Network- redefining the concept of real news and on-the-ground reporting, purely grass-roots, word of mouth... attended by people from all over the world with updates on the status quo from leading activists and change-makers.

ARISE! Guerilla News Network Replay, January 9, 2022

Going forward we will have a new GNN broadcast bi-weekly in the interest of having the time to organize the most insightful line-up of activists and gather breaking news across the planet, including Prof Dolores Cahill and Frontline Activists on this amazing group video call:
Scott McKay (USA, Patriot Street Fighters)
Sean Stone (USA)
James Martinez (USA)
Nurse Kate Shemirani (UK)
Scotty Saks (USA/MSM)
Nate Maxx and Fanos (Australia)
Steve Davislim (Europe)
Nurse Janna (San Diego)
Andrew Rouchotas (Canada)

ARISE! Guerilla News Network - GNN jan 23rd 2022

Sunday Jan 23 broadcast of Sacha Stone’s ARISE! Guerilla News Network, a bi-weekly activist platform redefining the concept of real news and on-the-ground reporting, purely grass-roots, word of mouth.

Arise! Guerilla News Network GNN by Sacha Stone

Guerilla News Network line up Sunday February 6, 2022 : GNN line up - presented by Sacha Stone: David Nino Rodriguez - USA/Parios // Yohan Tengra - India // Randall Kaiser - Canada/White Hats // Scott