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Updated by pedia sure on Nov 22, 2022
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Height Weight Chart For Kids


Track Your Little One's Growth Using A Height Weight Chart For Kids

A height weight chart for kids is an effective tool in tracking the nutritional status of your child. It helps identify your child's growth & development till upto 6 years of age. You can plot your child's height and weight growth details on the growth charts by Pediasure to monitor their overall development.

Pediasure® Product Formulation - Abbott India

Try Pediasure to boost your kid's immunity and strength! A scientifically formulated health drink for children to help support their optimal growth and development gives an immunity increase and strengthens your child's bones. A complete package of vitamins and minerals to fulfill your kid's dietary requirements in a delicious way.

Child Growth and Development | Pedia Sure

Even if it is physical, mental, or emotional, you can watch their development with all in all developmental achievements they acquire. All these areas of development are connected and rely on each other for the comprehensive growth of your child. Child Growth and Development can be described in terms of physical, cognitive, and intellectual development from birth until they reach puberty.


Ways to Deal with Fussy Eating- Fussy Eating Baby| Pedia Sure

Is your child a fussy eater? It must be challenging for a mother whose child is a picky eater. The more you try your child to eat veggies, the tougher it gets. Therefore, it is essential to pay more focus to your fussy eater baby. Dealing with a fussy eating baby is a difficult task. But as a mother, you must ensure that your child is getting all the essential nutrients he needs for his growth and development.


Pedia Sure- Healthy Meal Planning

Healthy meal planning is essential, especially for a child, to ensure their overall healthy growth and development. It helps to check their daily diet and see if they are meeting those requirements. Planning can make a big difference to your child's unhealthy diet.

Grow Right with Pedia Sure

A child’s healthy development depends mainly on their diet, and sometimes their diet is not adequate to maintain their nutritional level.Parents are usually worried about providing the best nutritious food for their children, and therefore, they opt for supplementing their child’s diet with weight gain supplements for kids.


Balanced Diet Chart for Kids

The physical development of young children directly affects their overall development and the adult they will become. Understanding the need to invest in balanced diet chart for kids is essential to maximize their future wellbeing.


Why is Nutrition Essential for Immunity?

The kid's body's first line of defense includes the skin, the lining of the digestive tract, and mucus that restricts the entry of germs into the body. There are also special cells that can fight germs by directly attacking them or producing antibodies. Here are specific vitamins and minerals that play an essential role in immunity booster for kids. Vitamin A, C, E, Zinc, Vitamin D, B6, B12, Selenium, copper, folic acid.


Significance of Measuring a Child’s Growth | Pedia Sure

Growth measuring is the regular measurement of a child’s size to monitor growth. Weight-for-age is usually used to monitor growth, and normal weight gain suggests that the baby is healthy and growing normally. Measuring height is, therefore, important and should be maintained especially height weight chart for girls.

New PediaSure with Arginine & Vitamin K2!

Did you know that 60% bone growth happens by age 6? To ensure growth in early childhood it is important to have right nutrition. Try new PediaSure. Scientifically Tested, complete balanced nutrition for better immunity and visible growth in 90 days.

Food Pyramid: A Healthy Diet For Kids & Adults as Well!

The Food Pyramid is a visual guide of nutrition that a human body needs to follow to lead a healthy life. It is the framework of a balanced diet divided into different groups in a pyramid-shaped chart containing a specific food in each section. 


Child Nutrition & Growth by Pediasure

Proper nutrition is key to making the most of this critical growth phase. Therefore, the new PediaSure, is now added with growth nutrients Arginine and Vitamin K2. These nutrients will help bones grow longer and more robust. It provides complete, balanced nutrition for children two years and above. Formulated with 37 nutrients, PediaSure is scientifically shown to help increase height and weight and reduce chances of infection & sick days. It is a healthy drink for kids.


Food Pyramid for Kids

The food pyramid, now called MyPlate, has been carefully divided into five food groups and contains details on how much food children of each age group should consume daily to get complete and balanced nutrition. It also depicts the food items children should eat, and parents can use these pictures to encourage the habit of healthy eating.


Problems in Child Development

Problems in child development can arise due to genetics, prenatal circumstances, the presence of medical factors, and the lack of opportunity or exposure to helpful stimuli. A thorough assessment by the best fit professional can provide clarity about the growth issues and level of concern and help make a plan to overcome the challenges.

Importance of Child Development

Child development is the process by which a kid changes over time. It wholly covers the whole period from conception to an individual becoming a fully functioning adult. It's a complete journey from total dependence to complete independence.



The initial stages of child development are crucial. It requires a healthy upbringing and development of a child. It includes identifying and inculcating social, emotional, educational, and cognitive abilities. Real learning starts with the family. And it can happen if a child’s parents are supportive, i.e., the parents can understand their child’s capabilities.

Make Food More Fun For Your Munchkins

Boosting children to try new foods can be annoying – and let's not forget ungrateful – task. If you have pasta on repetition or cheese with everything, as those are the only foods your kids will happily eat, healthy meal plans can be hugely frustrating and flavourless on the palate. However, a mixed diet is crucial for child development, so it's essential to present new ingredients and flavours where possible.