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Updated by Hailey Young on Jan 26, 2015
Hailey Young Hailey Young
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Flexibility Programs for Hailey Young

Flexibility programs

Leg Stretches that Increase Flexibility for Dancers and Gymnasts

I would do each stretch 5 times a week. Holding the stretch for however long it specifies!

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For the first round I will hold each pose for 25 seconds. For the second round I will hold each pose for 30 seconds. For the third and final round I will hold it 35 seconds in each pose.

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Back flexibility
I will hold each pose for 45 seconds and do each pose 3 times
A Ballet Dancer's Guide to Stretching the Hamstrings |
I will hold each pose for however long I'm instructed to do so. Most of them are 30 seconds.