For 35 years Fairmont Dental Centre has been delivering exclusively patient centered, comprehensive dentistry in London, ON in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. We utilize the best-proven techniques and quality materials when delivering care to you and your family.
Highly rated dentist in London, ON. Serving for over 35 years. Family friendly dentist office in London. Call 519-451-4490 or visit our London dental clinic today!
Planning a wisdom teeth extraction in London, ON? We provide quality tooth extractions services in London. Sedation dentistry is also available if needed.
Looking for dental implants in London, ON? Our experienced Dentists provide high-quality dental implant treatment. Call 519-451-4490 to get London dental implants.
Looking for teeth whitening in London, Ontario? We provide professional teeth whitening services. Call 519-451-4490 or visit our London teeth whitening clinic today!
Our emergency dentists in London, ON provide same-day emergency dental appointments. Evening and weekend hours are available! Call 519-451-4490 to schedule an emergency appointment.