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Updated by ninaternayl on Jan 04, 2022
ninaternayl ninaternayl
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How to Choose the Best Barbell for Your Weightlifting Needs | DMOOSE

Powerlifting bars are designed for optimal performance in the powerlifting lifts (squat, bench press, and deadlift) while Olympic weightlifting bars are used more specifically for snatch and clean & jerk movements. They should not be interchangeable. Here's how to decide which bar to buy.

How to Choose the Best Barbell for Your Weightlifting Needs | DMOOSE

Powerlifting bars are designed for optimal performance in the powerlifting lifts (squat, bench press, and deadlift) while Olympic weightlifting bars are used more specifically for snatch and clean & jerk movements. They should not be interchangeable. Here's how to decide which bar to buy.