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Updated by Michael Dubhthaigh on Dec 28, 2021
6 items   1 followers   0 votes   1 views

Getting Rich in 2022. Are they Genuine or Wallet Emptying Scams

The Usual Suspects are at it again, trying to entice you with popular headlines of New Years Resolutions.
For many people unsure of their future after all the covid restrictions, promises of financial freedom can turn sour if care and research is not taken

If you have a favorite usual suspect add them here.


What is the Kibo Code Quantum and is it a Scam. Update 2022.

It is a New Year and the online “get rich this year”, hype has begun, lets do a review of Kibo Code Quantum, and see if this fits into your New Years Resolutions.

Update for 2022. Un updated version of Kibo Quantum called Kibo Eclipse has been released

Do the Benefits of Being an Online Solo Entrepreneur Match the Reality?

The often touted life style is one of comfortable ambience. You have probably seen the image above elsewhere, and it had you thinking it was time to ditch the 9-5, and try something different.

Then you had a series of It's too hard", thoughts go through your mind, and you put the solo entrepreneur idea back into the fairy land basket.
Lets face it, there is no such thing as overnight success or getting rich quickly. That I can promise, no matter how amazing the opportunity looks.

5 Digital Business Ideas For Beginners To Get Earning In 2022

Hi, and welcome as I take a look towards a new year.

Links To Useful Sites For Entrepreneurs And Those Seeking Self Improvement.

This page includes links to useful sites that will get you on the road to becoming successful, whether it be as an entrepreneur or for personal improvement.


Cat and Iguana

Cat and Iguana

Pyramid plan

Pyramid plan