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Updated by urja97 on May 27, 2022
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Indoor activities for kids

Due to this pandemic we are afraid to send our kids to go ahead for an outdoor activities. Outdoor activities helps in developing the kids mentally as well as physically. As we are afraid of the overall development of the child there are many indoor activities as well that could be very beneficial for overall development in kids.

7 Educational Indoor Activities for Kids that Brings Out the Best in them

90% of all such indoor activities are educational and knowledge-oriented, rendering it beneficial for the kids, especially for preschoolers.

Does the over importance given to examination kill education? | Tech Behind It

The importance of examination cannot be belittled as it shows the success of instructional delivery. While imparting education to students we assess the success of the learning goals through periodic examination. Through these exams, we also identify the strengths and weaknesses of students. Unfortunately, over a period of time, these aims…

Cognitive Development in Children - Everything Parents Need To Know

Cognitive development is a crucial aspect of a child's overall development, right from early childhood. Brain development is a part of cognitive development.

Does the over importance given to examination kill education? | Tech Behind It

The importance of examination cannot be belittled as it shows the success of instructional delivery. While imparting education to students we assess the success of the learning goals through periodic examination. Through these exams, we also identify the strengths and weaknesses of students. Unfortunately, over a period of time, these aims…

5 Tips to Tackle your Child’s Aggressive Behavior - K8 School

Most children outgrow this kind of behavior by the time they enter grade school, because they've developed the language skills to express themselves in words and been socialized to feel that physical aggression is wrong and unrewarding. So, the first way to tackle is don't get aggressive yourself. Hitting, yelling, throwing objects will never change his bad behavior. Show him that you can control your temper, and you'll help him believe that eventually he'll be able to control his.

Can Online Learning replace Traditional Schooling in 2021? Technonguide

During the pandemic, online learning has proven its worth as a credible alternative for traditional education. As students from all across

How Virtual Schooling Made Our Lives Easier! - K8 School Parent

An online school are those which provide learning to students virtually. There are many kind of online schooling. Some of them provide recorded sessions to children, some provide PPTs to students and some provide live classes to students. Studying from the comfort of the home makes education easier for the students because there will be 24/7 accessible platform for the students and they can learn anytime and anywhere.

Does the over importance given to examination kill education? | Tech Behind It

The importance of examination cannot be belittled as it shows the success of instructional delivery. While imparting education to students we assess the success of the learning goals through periodic examination. Through these exams, we also identify the strengths and weaknesses of students. Unfortunately, over a period of time, these aims…

Extra Curricular Activities for Kids | Their Role & Importance - K8 School

Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities during their time at school from dance, music and drama to personal development programs. There are a whole range of benefits that come from involvement in these programs. There are many activities that improves the overall development of child.