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Updated by jayshreeinstrument on Dec 24, 2021
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Electronic design and manufacturing services In India | Jayshree Instrument

Jayshree Instruments is the go to electronic manufacturing service provider in India. Get PCB Assembly, Cable harness, Testing services at best quality & price.

PCB Assembly Service & PCB Design Services in India

Jayshree Instruments provides PCB assembly services which is considered as one of the most challenging aspects of electronic product design.
Find some information about world class PCB services:

The PCB assembly has numerous steps which includes surface mount technology (SMT) and through hole technology. SMT is a process where the electrical components are mounted on the surface of a PCB.

Custom Cable & Wire Harness Assembly Manufacturer in India | Jayshree Instrument

Cable assemblies are a set of cables covered by an intensive exterior product. Usually they are made of heavy duty materials like thermoplastic rubber, shrink-wrapped thermoplastic or vinyl. Cable harness assembly is designed to transmit electrical power or signals.
We build custom cable harness solutions to customer specifications servicing a wide range of industries including Defense, Automotive, Medical, Mining, and General Electronics etc.

Global Purchasing for Wire Harness, PCB Build Box & PCB Assembly | Jayshree Instrument

Jayshree Instruments materials management team does more than just buy the components. They’re responsible for the seamless management of our entire supply chain ensuring every link becomes a competitive advantage for our customers.

Global Purchasing for Wire Harness, PCB Build Box & PCB Assembly, We work in partnership with our suppliers to ensure we achieve the most aggressive pricing today.

PCB Build Box Assembly Services & Box Build Integration Assembly in India

Jayshree Instruments provides best PCB box build assembly services in Ahmedabad, India. We provide build box integration assembly for sub-systems, modules, and full integration at best price.
Electronic Manufacturing Services provider, expert in Box Build solutions

Our build-to-order and configure-to-order services assemble a product according to the needs of the individual end-customer.

Prototype PCB Assembly Service & Manufacturer Of PCB Design in India

Prototype PCB Assembly Services. Jayshree Instruments is the leading prototype PCB assembly service provider in India offers one stop solution for prototype PCB assembly needs with latest soldering techniques at affordable cost.
Jayshree Instruments offers quality in house prototype PCB assembly services, so that your product can be tested before you commit to manufacturing it.

PCB Design, PCB Layout Services Circuit Board Company in India

PCB Design, Layout & Circuit Board Services provider, expert in Design for Excellence (DfX) solutions

Engineering Support for New or Existing Designs
We offer integrated design services at each stage of your product lifecycle, identifying the challenges we will face in the mass-production environment from the very beginning, therefore strengthening our customers’ design, reducing time to market while increasing their competitiveness.

PCB Assembly Testing Services & Printed Circuit Board Testing Manufacturers

Jayshree Instruments Pvt Ltd is providing high quality automated PCB Assembly testing services for product assembly, standalone service, wire and cable harness assemblies in Ahmedabad, India.

MS (Electronics manufacturing Services) provides a range of Automated Test Solutions either as part of a whole product assembly or as a standalone service. EMS provides test solutions for;

PCB Assembly Testing
Wire and cable assemblies
Final product testing