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Updated by Olga_Bateman on Feb 01, 2022
Headline for 6 Best Books to Help You Find the Meaning and Purpose in Life in 2022
Olga_Bateman Olga_Bateman
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6 Best Books to Help You Find the Meaning and Purpose in Life in 2022

It’s a time when more people than ever are leaving their jobs, rethinking their careers, and making drastic changes in their life.
If you find yourself among that group of restless people yearning for a big change, perhaps you could use some guidance. The following six books are sure to help you find direction and discover your purpose in life during a time when you need it most.


Discover Your Dharma: A Vedic Guide to Finding Your Purpose by Sahara Rose

Discover Your Dharma: A Vedic Guide to Finding Your Purpose by Sahara Rose

Discover Your Dharma Bestselling author Sahara Rose outlines 9 Dharma archetypes that help readers connect with their most inner self and find purpose in life. Her method allows you to have a clear understanding of what you’re meant to do in life, as well as the next steps you need to take in order to live in alignment with your purpose. With Sahara Rose’s guidance, you will be able to connect with your true essence and embrace your highest self.


Sparked: Discover Your Unique Imprint for Work that Makes You Come Alive by Jonathan Fields

Sparked: Discover Your Unique Imprint for Work that Makes You Come Alive by Jonathan Fields

Sparked According to award-winning author Jonathan Fields, we are all born with a unique "Sparketype®”, a DNA-level driver of work that is the source of our purpose and guidance. Jonathan has developed the Sparketype imprints that form the basis of this book after years of experimentation, research, and surveying over half-a-million people. With Jonathan’s guidance, you will be able to find a job that fills you with purpose and allows you to lead a meaningful, fulfilling life.


Karma: A Yogi's Guide to Crafting Your Destiny by Sadhguru

Karma: A Yogi's Guide to Crafting Your Destiny by Sadhguru

Karma World-renowned spiritual master Sadhguru has provided us with a practical guide to living intelligently and joyfully in a world that provides us with daily challenges. In this book, you will learn about karma, not as a balance of good and bad deeds, but as our actions and responsibilities. Sadhguru’s teachings will help you to empower yourself and learn how to live intentionally in each moment to unlock the key to happiness and enlightenment.


Pull Your Self Together: A True Story of Alternate Realities, Spiritual Healing, and Dimensional Wholeness by Rebecca...

Pull Your Self Together: A True Story of Alternate Realities, Spiritual Healing, and Dimensional Wholeness by Rebecca...

Pull Your Self Together Anyone in need of deep healing and transformation can benefit greatly from Rebecca Whitecotton’s wisdom. In her book, she shares the personal experiences and advice that will help you to explore your own parallel words. You will be able to get in contact with abandoned parts of your soul, helping you to forgive yourself for past mistakes and move forward in your personal healing process.


Your Destiny Is Inside You by Ana Pat

Your Destiny Is Inside You by Ana Pat

Your Destiny Is Inside You This book will lead you through a spiritual journey, teaching you that everything is energy, and once you learn to harness that energy, the possibilities abound. The book also includes a practical guide on meditation. Ana Pat will teach you how to release your ego and suffering to move into a state of self-realization and positive energy, all of which will result in tangible, positive changes in your life.


Permission to Glow: A Spiritual Guide to Epic Leadership by Kristoffer Carter

Permission to Glow: A Spiritual Guide to Epic Leadership by Kristoffer Carter

Permission to Glow In his book, Kristoffer Carter reveals the 4 Permissions that will give the fuel to glow and the 7 Compassionate Laws of Personal Change that will allow you to activate these permissions. The book is filled with guided journal prompts, invocations, daily affirmations, exercises that will help you to overcome the change-resisting behaviors that are holding you back. In turn, you will be empowered to uncover your purpose and serve as an epic leader to others.