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Updated by Suhana Sethi on May 27, 2022
Suhana Sethi Suhana Sethi
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Online Education

It presents a series of articles emphasising the importance of online education in India. As an academician, I want to create a space where people can share their knowledge and opinions on digitalization.

How an online school can help in overcoming the education gap in India

The article is on curbing the education gap. This has changed my views on online schooling and I believe that online schools have substantial power in eroding this education gap in India.

8 Moral Values That You Must Teach Your Kids Today! - K8 School

We all want to see our kids as righteous and well-adjusted individuals. Good moral values are of esteem importance for every kid/student. But many of these values are not inborn in all the kids. Most of the time, these qualities need to be inculcated in them, so that they grow up as responsible individuals for the family and play their part in society as well.

Examining the Reality of Online Education in India - The Education and Development Forum (UKFIET)

The challenging school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic provided parents with an insight into online education in India. While some parents preferred online classes over the traditional face-to-face medium, others were frustrated about the negative aspects of online education. With these contrasting opinions as a backdrop, this blog attempts to examine the reality of online education in India.

Everything You Need To Know About Online Education In India

After a complete analysis and comparison of India’s best online schooling platforms, we can conclude that online schools can either be productive or unproductive based on their usage.

Homeschooling: Alternative Education in India - OSI School Guide

In India, homeschooling is an alternative to regular schooling where parents educate their children at home instead of sending them to a regular school.

7 Tips for Homework Success | Academic Session

Well-planned homework schedules are a passport to greater academic achievements in all grades. These positive habits cement the learning of students even when the teachers and academic staff members are at bay!

How to Prepare Future Generations to Be Innovators? - EdTechReview

How our modern-day education should focus more on relevant skill-building methods to prepare our young generations to be innovators.

Motivating Students via the Power of Gamification in Learning – NICKELED AND DIMED

Gamification in learning is a great solution for challenges related to student motivation. It optimizes the student’s learning and adds a fun element for effective learning. As a result, students get purposefully engaged and even achieve better academic results. This article aims to analyze the advantages of such learning in the education system.

5 Problem Solving Activities for Elementary Classrooms - K8 School

Problem solving activities helps young learners in decision making, develop their psychology, and builds confidence. These advanced skillsets are preparation for adulthood and their introduction into the classrooms will be very beneficial for the students.

List of online schools in India - Valid Boards

A complete list of Online schools in India and find the best online school for your child | Best Online School

5 Ways to Manage Temper Tantrums During Remote Learning - K8 School

Hitting, kicking, stamping, and throwing stuff, etc. are called temper tantrums. Handling these temper tantrums is a big concern.

Indian Education System in 2030 - SRM Articles | Help Care Support

SRM Articles | Help Care Support - Indian Education System in 2030 Guest posting available on high DA & PA sites. Write for us.

Indian Education System in 2030 - SRM Articles | Help Care Support

SRM Articles | Help Care Support - Indian Education System in 2030 Guest posting available on high DA & PA sites. Write for us.

Main Recommendations of Kothari Commission - OSI School Guide

Headed by Dr. Daulat. Singh, Kothari Commission was formed in July 1964 to improve the overall quality of the Indian educational system.
