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Updated by Alina Mark on Dec 28, 2022
Alina Mark Alina Mark
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How to Prevent Ad Blindness

Chances are you've probably heard about banner blindness. But, for those who might not know,


ad blindness

ad blindness

Chances are you've probably heard about banner blindness. But, for those who might not know, this happens when people choose to ignore banner ads, either knowingly or unknowingly. And they are not to blame since they've become overwhelmed with online content to the extent that they now automatically filter out ads as unwanted noise.

Either way, you ought to remember that banner ads are a survival mechanism in online marketing. For this reason, doing away with them once and for all isn't an option. Furthermore, they continue to generate significant revenue for brands and will continue doing so for years to come.

That said, today, we will share a few tips to help you minimize ad blindness while at the same time maximizing conversions. Continue reading to find out more.

Understand How People Read on the Web
By now, you may already know that it's difficult to completely do away with banner blindness due to the constantly evolving user behavior patterns. The good news is that you can minimize it hassle-free once you better understand your brand and how users behave online. With this information, you can test different ad sizes and locations accordingly.

Promote Relevant Content
Whereas you may focus on creating stunning designs, this won't help you with anything if you fail to understand your audience's pain points and provide them with relevant solutions. You should start by selecting the right ad network to link your audience to relevant publishers to create real-time relevance to pull this off successfully.

If this is not enough, you should also display content based on the keywords that reflect the interests of your target audience. The same is said about retarget prospects who previously showed interest in your product or brand.

The Bottom Line
Banner blindness is a fundamental cause of concern for advertisers since no one wants to shell out advertising dollars on ads that won't get noticed. By optimizing for mobile, providing value, and serving relevant ads, you can overcome this issue once and for all. However, things should not stop there since you must make it the norm to use non-standard designs and formats as they can also work wonders for your strategy. So, be sure to spend some time doing your homework, after which you can get more tips about preventing ad blindness.