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Updated by bpooja8097 on Nov 24, 2021
bpooja8097 bpooja8097
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Top 5 Pipes Grades

Steel pipes are cylindrical steel tubes that are used in a variety of manufacturing and infrastructure applications. They are the steel industry's most commonly used product.

Stainless Steel Pipe

Stainless steel has been used for centuries and it is resistant to corrosion and performs better in harsh environments. Late in the 1800s, a combination of iron and chromium with rust resistance was identified as stainless steel. Since then, it has been molded into stainless steel pipes for a variety of industrial applications.

Inconel pipes are available in various grades and offer a range of premium features that make them ideal for a variety of industrial applications. Pipes made of Inconel are machined using traditional methods. Inconel pipes are corrosion and heat resistant, and they can withstand extremely high temperatures and pressures. These pipes are hardened using the cold work method and provide added strength.

Hastelloy Pipe

It has good stress corrosion cracking, pitting, and oxidation resistance, as well as the ability to withstand high temperatures. Moreover, the right proportion of alloy tends to make it superior in quality, ensuring that it will last for a long time. The product is available at a reasonable price.

Monel Pipes have a wide range of properties, which include high tolerance, high strength, good surface finish, dimensional accuracy, and corrosion resistance. It has excellent welding properties. This pipe is also appropriate to use in harsh environments where high toughness and a high melting point are required.

Nickel pipes have a high tensile strength, good dimensional accuracy, high durability, anti-corrosive, long-lasting properties, and it can easily withstand high loads and temperatures. It also has a higher ability to resist general corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, oxidation, and pitting.