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Updated by Boards-Impact-Forum on Jul 13, 2023
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Principle 4: Boards ensurance of Material risk and opportunity assessment

The board should ensure that management assesses the short-, medium- and long- term materiality of climate-related risks and opportunities for the company on an ongoing basis. The board should further ensure that the organization’s actions and responses to climate are proportionate to the materiality of climate to the company

Risk management - WBCSD Publications

The board has a duty to oversee risk management and internal control processes, this should include the integration of environmental, social and governance information.

The Global Risks Report 2021 | World Economic Forum

The 16th edition of the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report analyses the risks from societal fractures—manifested through persistent and emerging risks to human health, rising unemployment, widening digital divides, youth disillusionment, and geopolitical fragmentation.

The Top Risks in 2021: A Global Perspective | Protiviti - United States

New issue of Board Perspectives: Risk Oversight summarizes key takeaways from our global survey of C-level executives and directors about macroeconomic, strategic and operational risks.