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Updated by NOW Newspapers on Jun 19, 2014
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NOW Sikh Temple shooting coverage

Officer, temple member share stories of year after Sikh Temple shooting

Monday was one-year anniversary of deadly event in Oak Creek Oak Creek - A teenager shakes Pardeep Kaleka's hand. Kaleka pulls his hand back, yelling "ouch!" A hidden thumbtack was in the teenager's hand and Kaleka thought he broke the skin. He wasn't cut and the two laugh it off.

Oak Creek hosts vigil for Sikh Temple shooting

Many people showed up Monday night, Aug. 5, to remember the events of one year ago, when a man shot and killed six worshippers at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin. Here are the photos of the vigil through the eyes of people who participated.

Sikh Temple victims remembered

Members of the community gathered Aug. 4 and 5 to remember the victims of last year's mass shooting at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin.

Oak Creek community remembers Sikh temple shooting

Aug. 5, 2012. It's a day that many in Oak Creek will always remember. But one year later, people came together for one weekend to celebrate healing, peace and solidarity within and without the Sikh community.

Mayor starts nonprofit to curb violence in the community

Oak Creek - Oak Creek cares, according to its mayor, Stephen Scaffidi, and he wants the community to show it. He has created the community nonprofit Oak Creek Cares, with a goal of raising money to support programs that help reduce violence by providing resources such as mental health assistance.

'Hometown Heroes' get local honors for role in stopping Oak Creek shooting

Oak Creek - Officers Brian Murphy and Sam Lenda stay ever modest and thankful in the wake of numerous awards and accolades for their work stopping white supremacist Wade Michael Page's rampage at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin last summer.

Movie screening fosters dialog about love

Event opens eyes about Sikh culture, resilience after tragedy Oak Creek - The local and national Sikh communities are turning an act of hate that saw white supremicist Wade Michael Page kill six of their members during an Oak Creek worship service Aug. 5 into a life lesson: Know your neighbor, and love even those who hate.

Sikhs foster continuing dialog in wake of tragedy

Film screening to further discussion about Oak Creek shooting, Sikh culture The Oak Creek Sikh community and the national Sikh community are turning the Aug. 5 tragedy that took six of their own into a lesson for us all: Know your neighbor and love even those who hate.

Oak Creek stays united in dealing with shooting's aftermath

Recently released video shows shooter being taken down Oak Creek - Members of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin have taken down their signs of support, the police have released the dashboard camera video of the shooting, Lt.

Video: Sikh Temple incident dash-cam video released

Oak Creek Police Chief John Edwards, officer Savan Lenda, Mayor Stephen Scaffidi and U.S. Attorney James Santell today released dash-cam video from the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin shootings that took place Aug. 5. The video, taken from Lt.

Support for local Sikhs comes in many forms, from many places

Kansas City Sikhs bring money, goodwill for victims Oak Creek - Poster boards cover the walls of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin. Messages such as "May the love and support of all peace-loving people sustain you in your time of dreadful trials" and "We hope you guys are happy and live a good life" fill these boards.

Remembering the victims of Oak Creek shooting

Images from the aftermath of the shooting at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek.

How online campaigns helped raise money for Sikhs

One of the ways a community comes together after a tragedy is with financial assistance. And that happened when Prabhjot Singh started an effort to raise money to support the Temple Shooting victims.

Oak Creek officer lauded (with tweets) · mycommunitynow

Oak Creek Lt. Brian Murphy received his fair share of sentiments from the Southeastern Wisconsin community on social media.

Community comes together in Oak Creek

Oak Creek and the rest of Wisconsin have begun the process of understanding the Sikh shooting. People across the area took to social networks to share photos of vigils and to include words of kindness in wake of the shooting.

Healing begins as shock lingers among victims, local officials

Oak Creek - "Oh God, it is in your hands - everything." Jaspal Farwaha said those were among her thoughts as she hid in a pantry within the Oak Creek Sikh temple Sunday as gunman Wade Michael Page wreaked havoc in her place of worship, killing six before he was shot and killed by police.

Injured Oak Creek police officer was finalist for chief in 2010

Brian Murphy, the Oak Creek police lieutenant who waved off help despite being shot multiple times in yesterday's mass shooting at the Sikh temple, was a finalist for the chief of police position in 2010. The 51-year-old was listed in critical condition at Froedtert Hospital in Wauwatosa as of Monday morning.

Tragedy shakes Oak Creek Sikh community's very foundation

Oak Creek - Less than six years after bringing a Sikh temple to Oak Creek, Balhair Dulai is having to bury the men and women whose steadiness and love, he says, formed the foundation which made the faith community here so strong.