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Updated by Titan Outlet Store on Jul 23, 2024
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Top 50 Farm and Ranch Twitter Accounts

The 50 best farm and ranch related people or businesses on Twitter today.

Don, Al & Team (TitanOutlet) on Twitter

The latest from Don, Al & Team (@TitanOutlet). We sell Ag Equipment at Outlet Prices. A part of Titan Machinery's 100+ farm & construction equipment dealership network. Guaranteed Iron at a Guaranteed Steal!. Minnesota and Iowa

#AgChat (agchat) on Twitter

The latest from #AgChat (@agchat). A weekly conversation for folks involved in business of growing food, fuel, feed and fiber on Tues., 8-10pm ET. Created by @mpaynknoper, helped by @agchatfound. Global agriculture!

Janice Person (JPlovesCOTTON) on Twitter

The latest from Janice Person (@JPlovesCOTTON). city girl, loves #cotton, biotech & taking photos, SM for #Monsanto, loves #Memphis Tigers & #travel, sharing my view of the world, #BlogChat fan, #FarmersROCK. St Louis, MO

Homeland Farm and Crop Nutrients

Homeland Farm and Crop Nutrients takes great pride in representing the premium agricultural product brands, APSA-80 and Nutriplant. We respect that farming requires hard work, thorough planning, up-to-date knowledge, gained experience, and scientific precision, and our goal is to help farmers get the most out of their crops no matter what difficulties a season may bring.

Mark Rohrich (sunflowerfarmer) on Twitter

The latest from Mark Rohrich (@sunflowerfarmer). Farmer/Ag Biz Owner. Passionate about Ag. Sharing about agriculture, ideas,& life in North Dakota. #RohrichFarms @Maverickaginc. Ashley, ND

ND Farm Bureau (ndfb) on Twitter

The latest from ND Farm Bureau (@ndfb). North Dakota Farm Bureau is the most effective general farm and ranch organization in the state of North Dakota, with more than 27,000 members

Elizabeth BT (eburnsthompson) on Twitter

The latest from Elizabeth BT (@eburnsthompson). Farmer's daughter, proud @iastate_cals alum, and current agricultural law student. Passionate about #faith, #family, & #farming! Tweets are my own. Iowa

Emily Zweber (ezweber) on Twitter

The latest from Emily Zweber (@ezweber). Wife to @zweberfarms-Mommy to 3-Catholic- @OrganicValley farmer-Cookbook hoarder-baker-wine-yoga-Executive Director @agchatfound. MN

Tim Zweber (zweberfarms) on Twitter

The latest from Tim Zweber (@zweberfarms). 4th generation, century old organic dairy. We also sell custom packages of pork, chicken and beef. Most tweets sent from a tractor or ATV seat. Elko, MN

Brian Payne (PaynesPrairieMN) on Twitter

The latest from Brian Payne (@PaynesPrairieMN). Im a #Farmer, #Fireman, First Responder, Vice chair of our county Corn and Soy Growers board, seed salesmen, and just a small town guy, living the #MNAg Dream. Cyrus, MN

Katie Pinke (katpinke) on Twitter

The latest from Katie Pinke (@katpinke). Empowered by family, food, farming & rural life. I'm a mom of 3, speaker, writer and marketing consultant. Small biz owner & family farm @GriggsDakota. North Dakota, USA

Titan Machinery Ag (TitanAg) on Twitter

The latest from Titan Machinery Ag (@TitanAg).

Ryan Goodman (AgProudRyan) on Twitter

The latest from Ryan Goodman (@AgProudRyan). Advocate for #farmers' voices in #food convos. Beef cattle. Mexican food. #RedDirt music. Communications for @MTStockgrowers. Views are my own. Tennessee

Case_IH (Case_IH) on Twitter

The latest from CaseIH (@CaseIH). The world of farming is changing. Will you be ready? The Official Twitter feed for Case IH North America. Racine, WI

Vance Johnson (gvjfarms) on Twitter

The latest from Vance Johnson (@gvjfarms). 4th Generation family farm located in the S. Red River Valley of MN. Raise Corn, Soybeans, HRS Wheat, and Sugarbeets. Enjoy time with Family. Breckenridge, MN

Greg Peterson (MachineryPete) on Twitter

The latest from Greg Peterson (@MachineryPete). Writes Machinery Pete column for Farm Journal magazine and appears on RFD-TV. Compiling auction sale price data on farm & construction equipment since 1989. Rochester, MN

AgChat Foundation (agchatfound) on Twitter

The latest from AgChat Foundation (@agchatfound). Farmer-led effort to empower a connected community of agvocates. Tweets by Jenny & Emily. Follow us also at @agchat/@foodchat. ÜT: 41.984524,-88.657302

Ray Prock Jr. (RayProck) on Twitter

The latest from Ray Prock Jr. (@RayProck). Dad, Husband, Dairy Farmer, Conversation Junkie, Contributor to @justfarmers, and ultimately just me. Denair, CA

The latest from Jeff Fowle (@JeffFowle). Conservative, Christian, rancher, farmer,caring for God's creations, husband & father, #usguys. Etna, California

Val Wagner (wagfarms) on Twitter

The latest from Val Wagner (@wagfarms). Mom of 4 busy boys and a proud farmer and rancher. North Dakota

B Buzzard Frobose (brandibuzzard) on Twitter

The latest from B Buzzard Frobose (@brandibuzzard). Christian cowgirl. Roper. Animal Scientist. Writer. Native Kansan. 2x K-State alumna. Wife to @frobose. Sarcasm connoisseur. Carnivore. Tweets are my own. Manhattan, KS

Rob Stone (rgstone1) on Twitter

The latest from Rob Stone (@rgstone1). Steward of the land and provider of fine canola genetics. BSA at University of Saskatchewan class of 99 #plantpioneer. Davidson SK

Devin Hrdy (Hrdyfarms) on Twitter

The latest from Devin Hrdy (@Hrdyfarms). Farmer, Custom applicator, Crop care professional. Central Oklahoma

TrentBown (TrentBown) on Twitter

The latest from TrentBown (@TrentBown). 5th generation Dairy farmer. Husband, father of 3 in UT Agvocate & sports fan. Love growing the conversation & expanding my horizons #UsGuys #AgChat #UsFarmGuys. UT: 38.972183,-111.860223

Pursuit of 300 (Pursuitof300) on Twitter

The latest from Pursuit of 300 (@Pursuitof300). The #Pursuitof300 is a gathering of those in the #ag industry who share the goal of one day reaching 300 bushels of #corn per acre. Innovation by @MosaicCompany