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Updated by Josh Daniels on Jul 18, 2022
Josh Daniels Josh Daniels
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Your Everyday Heroes

Visit Your Everyday Heroes to be inspired by untold everyday heroes stories from around the world. Enjoy watching as these videos and inspiring stories entertain you!

Everyday Heroes Stories - Inspiring Hero Stories - Your Everyday Heroes

Visit Your Everyday Heroes to be inspired by untold everyday heroes stories from around the world. Enjoy watching as these videos and inspiring stories entertain you!

Bart Hickey Blind Mechanic - A Blind Driver - Your Everyday Heroes

Watch how Bart Hickey, a blind mechanic dreamed of being a blind driver. This everyday hero finally had his dream come true of driving a race car on the Bonneville flats.

Brett Eastburn Inspirational Comedian - Overcoming Obstacles - Your Everyday Heroes

Watch everyday hero Brett Eastburn, an inspirational comedian proves that overcoming obstacles can make a positive difference in life. Just put your mind in the right place.

Harley Davidson American Heroes - Motorcycle Ride - Helping our Veterans

Harley Davidson American Heroes - Watch how this motorcycle ride was created to benefit our veterans. Everyday heroes turn this two-month motorcycle trip into money for our veterans.

Dr. Pat Pappas - Heart Transplants - Tragedy Becomes a Blessing

Watch as Dr. Pat Pappas helps families in need, by saving the lives of their loved ones. Our everyday hero provides the heart transplants patients need to survive.

Alex LeVesque - Helping Teenagers - Mentoring Gang Members - Your Everyday Heroes

Watch how everyday hero Alex LeVesque uses his automotive repair and restoration business, helping teenagers to choose a better life.

EX-Offenders Inspirational Story - Second Chance - Giving Hope to Women Inmates

Watch our ex-offenders inspirational story, Sheryl Abel was sentenced to 20 years in jail. Not only did she turn her life around, but she also vowed to give a second chance to other women inmates.

Junkyard Preacher - God's Word - Your Everyday Heroes

Watch Reverand Barclay spread God's word of peace in the junkyard. Our everyday hero is able to create peace in a very unusual place as a junkyard preacher.

Aaron Dodd Tuba Player - Good Vibe - Spreading Tuba Inspiration

Watch Aaron Dodd Tube Player create a good vibe. A true everyday hero using his tuba-playing talent. Sharing his uplifting jazz vibe through his music.

Child Musicians - Tomorrow's Music Heroes - Your Everyday Heroes

Watch the inspiration of up-and-coming child musicians. The creativity and raw talent of these everyday heroes are what bring the neighborhood out.

Everyday Hero Articles - Blog - Inspiring Stories - Your Everyday Heroes

Check out our Everyday Hero articles. We have a collection of unique, intriguing short stories that will inspire and have you coming back for more.