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Updated by llskintech on Nov 04, 2021
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Facial Skincare

Facial Skincare and Beauty

L&L Skin Beauty DevicesSmart Microcurrent Anti-Aging Tools

L&L SKIN, a Japanese beauty brand, offering innovative anti-aging beauty tools and other facial skincare devices.

MAMI Hot and Cold Beauty DeviceFacial&Neck Massager Tool

L&L SKin MAMI Hot & Cold Beauty instrument, a 3in1 anti-ageing facial massager / neck massager for better skincare.


Is a special gel essential for using a facial device?

Is a special gel essential for using a facial device?

Maximizing the effects of facial equipment

There are many different types and functions of facial skincare tools. Among them, ultrasonic waves, radio waves, and EMS are transmitted to the skin through moisture. This means that they need to keep moisture on the surface of the skin when in use.