Listly by Rebecca Morris
This is a space for sharing resources for Media Production (graduate course on technology, learning, and libraries.)
Need some help planning Teen Tech Week beyond activities? Then you've come to the right place! Start planning by: following the timeline developed by the Teen Tech Week committee using the Teen Tech Week planning checklist download and use the Teen Tech Week Planning Form (Word doc) to organize your event reading professional materials designed to inspire you This timeline for Teen Tech Week should help you plan an amazing celebration; we've separated suggestions for school and public libraries to aid in planning.
A brief introduction to fundamental aspects of using technology in education.
Learn how to use any web 2.0 technology in the classroom in 5 minutes or less.
This video, shot at P.S. 101 in Bensonhurst, provides specific examples of how technology has made it easier to embed assessment into daily instruction, and as a result, improved teachers' efficiency and effectiveness.
In an increasingly complex, demanding and competitive 21st century, students need to learn more than the 3R's they are tested on in school.
Born Digital Videos In collaboration with the Youth and Media project and the Berkman Center's digital media producer, Berkman Center summer interns have created a set of videos inspired by each chapter of John Palfrey and Urs Gasser's book Born Digital.
Overview The teachers who instruct the most advanced American secondary school students render mixed verdicts about students' research habits and the impact of technology on their studies. Some 77% of advanced placement (AP) and National Writing Project (NWP) teachers surveyed say that the internet and digital search tools have had a "mostly positive" impact on their students' research work.
In this talk you will get a sneak preview of Nexus and Google Play for Education, which will launch in the United States later in 2013. Google will soon expand its education offering to include Nexus tablets and Google Play for Education.
Over the years, many excellent tutorial sites have sprung up over the web, providing basic to advanced instruction for a number of software packages. We believe that there is no purpose served by replicating the materials provided on these sites. Instead, these resources are designed to:
Substitution Computer technology is used to perform the same task as was done before the use of computers. Students print out worksheet, finish it, pass it in. No functional change in teaching and learning. There may well be times when this the appropriate level of work as there is no real gain to be had from computer technology.
Sometimes a visual guide comes along and it just makes total sense. That's how I felt about Allan Carrington's clever ' Padagogy Wheel' which we featured on Edudemic last week. Check out the previous version then view the one below to see the differences.
SAMR is about helping teachers to design, develop and integrate digital learning experiences that utilize technology SAMRTool Set, Skill Set or Mind Set? SAMR Helpful Steps towards Redefinition Life-Long Learners Mind Set Tool Set, Skill Set or Mind Set?