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Updated by hannahjonesclarke on Dec 03, 2021
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The Importance of Baitullah

I am professional Content writer for General Islamic Topics and also writes about Travel trips for Hajj and Umrah.

Benefits of Umrah During the Month of Ramadan

Every Muslim dreams to perform Umrah in the month of Ramadan as it provides reward equal to that of Hajj. Those who miss their Hajj or could not perform it due to the lack of expenses can perform Umrah in the month of Ramadan. Performing Umrah in the month of Ramadan provides more rewards than in other days.

How Islam Is Various from Various Other Religions?

Islam varies from various other religions due to the peaceful teachings that enhance brotherhood among the people. Islam has ended all the racial differences among the people. Holy Quran is the book that contains the words and of Allah Almighty for the guidance of whole humanity.

How to pay Zakat in Islam?

Muslims pay Zakat to make their earnings halal. Islam has introduced Zakat system to keep equality among all the people of society. Muslims need to pay 2.5% Zakat from their total earnings and savings. If wealth amount is less than nisab, then Zakat will not be compulsory.

Paying Zakat in the Islam

Islam has announced Zakat system for the welfare of Islamic society. It is the best way of making progress together and fulfilling the needs of those who are unable to fulfill their needs. Islam has introduced Nisab for Zakat. Those who fulfill the criteria to pay Zakat are obliged to pay 2.5% of their total wealth.

Importance of Umrah in Ramadan

Umrah in Ramadan is highly important due to the reward that it provides. Ramadan is the first choice of Muslims to perform Umrah because they can easily achieve the closeness of Allah in this month. There also lie the sacred ten nights in this month. Umrah during these last ten days provides greater reward as compared to other days.

Significance of Umrah in Ramadan

During the month of December the spiritual level of Muslims is enhanced. Muslims while visiting the sacred sites can strengthen their faith easily. During the month of Ramadan, Satan is caught up and Muslims can easily follow the straight path.

Parts of Advice before you leave for Umrah

You must prepare yourself when you are going to leave for Umrah. Ask for forgiveness of your sins and also apologize people for your misdoings with them. Meet your parents and relatives and try to make everyone happy. Learn about all the rites of Hajj and Umrah.

Signs of the weak Belief

If a person does not perform the worships and does not act upon the teachings of Allah and His Rasool, his faith or belief is considered weak. The people who perform all the worships and asks for the forgiveness from Allah Almighty has a strong belief.

Signs and Symptoms of weak Confidence

All those Muslims who do not obey the orders of Allah Almighty and do not stay on the right path are called Muslims with weak confidence. They are unable to offer prayer five times a day. They do not prepare themselves for the Day of Judgment.

Ways of dealing with misfortunes as well as loss

Life is the name of ups and downs. In this complicated life, we feel rejoice at various times. In the meanwhile, we often feel grief also. This is because of problems an individual has to face in his life. Allah always examines his belivers by putting them in sort of troubles and tests. We must remember that this trouble or test is for our good. We must seek guidance related to any problem from the Book of Allah.

A Ray of Light

Most of the Muslims waste their time in useless activities and do not perform worships to make Allah happy. It is very important for them to plan a sacred journey and to make pious intentions. Allah Almighty is Most Merciful and forgiving.

A Beam of Light

Islam is the religion of peace and is the name of worshipping Allah Almighty who is the only Creator of this universe. Allah Almighty does not allow anyone to do sins. Most of the Muslims waste their time in useless activities but they are required to perform meaningful tasks.

Mercy Win Hearts

Mercy is one of the characteristics of Allah Almighty. All those who follow this characteristic of Allah are respected and liked everywhere. Prophet Muhammad showed his mercy upon animals, human beings and all other creatures that is the reason why he has won the hearts of people.

Forgiveness Success Hearts

One must be forgiving because it is the characteristic of Allah Almighty. When you forgive others mistakes and show patience, they become impressed from your behavior. Prophet Muhammad used to forgive people and it was the reason that he become popular even among his enemies.

Hajj E Badal Definition for the Entire Muslim Country

Hajj is the religious obligation performed annually in Dhul-Hajj. This Holy pilgrimage is compulsory on each person, which can afford its expense. If the pilgrim somehow becomes disabled due to some disease. Then such a person can ask someone to accomplish Hajj for the sake of him. And the Hajj performed on behalf of someone is known as Hajj Badal. The performer of Hajj Badal is known as Mahnoor and the person for whom sake Hajj is performed is known as Aamir.

Umrah the means of Obtainging Incentives

Umrah is the mini-pilgrimage performed in the holy land of Makkah. Pilgrims accomplish this holy act to gain salvation and forgiveness. This holy act can be performed at any time of the year. To get these holy pilgrimage bounties equivalent to Hajj, perform this holy act in Ramadan. In this month, the reward of every good deed is enhanced up to 70 times more. Approach the holy land of Makkah and perform rites like Tawaf, Sa’I and, taqsir, etc.

Is Organ Contribution Important in Religion Islam

Organ contribution is quickly increasing in this modern age. In Islam, It is not restricted to donate your body organ. But it is compulsory to consult with a physician before donating. In this modern age, people also transfer the body organs from a dead person to the live. It should be done if the person has been permitted to contribute his body organ before his death. You should donate your body organ only by the advice of the doctor.

Islamic Khyber Fight History For the here and now Muslims

Khyber battle is the first-ever jihad that Muslims do after the declaration. The Jewish were ready for the battle along with the Araba against our beloved Prophet. When the Jewish started their journey, they get in association with the Ghftan. Our beloved Prophet chose Ali ibn-e-Abu Talib for this fight.

The spiritual represent the Muslims

Performing Umrah is the spiritual representation of Muslims. Umrah is not compulsory like hajj. Muslims from around the world can perform it any time. If they retain the potential to afford its expense. The pilgrims have to wear Ihram before entering the Meeqat. This is the borderline of the Holy Haram.

The Spiritual Performances For Muslims

Umrah is a mini-pilgrimage that can be performed at any time. The pilgrims plan their Journey and head towards Makkah for its accomplishment. It is necessary to wear Ihram otherwise you will not be allowed to enter the Grand Mosque. Ihram consists of two-piece of clothes for Men.