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Updated by zara sophia on Oct 26, 2021
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What is Medieval Armor Made of? A Detailed Guide to Armor

Medieval armor in this age is obsolete, a mere cosplay item or a type of decoration piece. A long time ago, it served as a protection for warriors. Medieval armor was the most valuable thing to a medieval warriors. The finest full body armor pieces made from steel that cost a fortune to the most basic of armor comprising mostly of leather and padding, they all served a purpose. Lets take a dive into what kind of materials were used to make Medieval armor, the different kinds of armor, and their uses.


What is Medieval Armor?

What is Medieval Armor?

Medieval armor was the most valuable thing to a medieval knight. It was considered a necessity for a warrior fighting with a sword.
Knights of the Middle Ages used a variety of weapons and things. One of those was the armor. It was a protection for them.

Sword is a bladed weapon and can easily tear someone apart. To prevent deep wounds by a sword, warriors wore the armor.

It could easily block the sword attack and allowed the warrior to survive.


Types of Medieval Armor

Types of Medieval Armor
  • Full Body Armor The types of medieval armor usually differ as per their size and the area of body they cover. This is the most commonly used and the largest armor.

This is a full body armor that covers the entire body. Since it covers the whole body, it protects the entire body as well.

Fully body armor covers all parts of the body of the warrior. It covers the head, face, chest and all other areas to protect the warrior from the swords.


- Chainmail Armor -

Chainmail armor is another commonly used armor and is known for the chain connected with it. It is generally not very large, and covers the upper part of the body of a warrior.

A number of metal rings were connected to make a chainmail armor. The metal rings connected to make a mesh and this was the chainmail armor.

Medieval knights loved to wear this during wars. It was heavy and protected the warriors well against the swords


- Gorget Armor-

- Gorget Armor-

Gorget armor or simply gorget was another warrior’s uniform, specifically during wars. Today, it is actually considered a military uniform and is incorporated in most military uniforms. However, this one is made of brass.

A real gorget armor was made of metal or steel at times. It served as a protector of the chest and neck of the medieval knights. That is why it is sometimes known as neck plate.

It was more commonly used by the soldiers in France. It served as a great protector for medieval warriors.


- Arm Armor -

- Arm Armor -

Since medieval armor differ as per their size, this is one of the smaller armor. As the name suggests, it is the armor worn around the arm.

The medieval knights used to wear different armor on different occasions. At times, they wore arm armor to protect their arms against swords.

One arm held the sword, and it was generally worn on the other arm. It is popularly used today for cosplay and costume purposes.


What is Medieval Armor Made of?

What is Medieval Armor Made of?

Medieval armor was made from a variety of materials like various metals, cloth, and leather.

Some were made of large metal plates sewn inside a leather coat or any other cloth while some were made from rings of metal chains bound together over cloth and/or leather.

Even in the past, there is evidence that the warriors wore steel armor although rare.

In the modern days, medieval armor are also made of foam and plastic, but these are mainly used as costumes and mere cosplay weapons.