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Updated by Joseph C on May 27, 2022
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Joseph C Joseph C
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Rpc Technology

Rpc Technology is a blog offering all the technical tool that can increase your skills and help you make a passive income and boost your career.


Rpc Technology

Rpc Technology

I am Joseph Chalhoub, I am Software engineer, Forex/Stock/Cryptocurrency programmer, and blogger. In this channel I will post videos to help other programmers technically, and to share with others my tips and techniques concerning different methodologies in information technology, finance, trading and many more, and how to make passive and active money with programming and with different methodologies. All what I will post in this channel is tested and operating in my machine.

How to decompile Ex4 to Mq4 with Reverse engineering and memory dumping

No more paying 600 dollars for converting ex4 to mq4, finally the secret revealed. In this video I will explain where I am in the process of decompile ex4 to mq4 (Ex4 build 600+). In this video you will find a valuable and unique content on how to use the reverse engineering and the memory dumping methodology to convert ex4 to mq4, and in a later stage ex5 to mq5.

C# and OpenXml (.Net 5) tutorial

Everything you need to know about programming and trading, forex, Crypto, Blockchain, and many more articles, posts and pages

Decompile Ex4 to Mq4 using Reverse engineering - Memory Dumping

How to decompile ex4 to mq4 with reverse engineering and memory dumping, finally the secret revealed, In order to reach our target we need to accomplish the following points:
1 - You need to use the x32dbg or x64dbg debugger
2 - Install the scyllahide plugin
3 - Find the breakpoint of OnInit() or Start() method
4 - Bypass the ExpertRemove() and Init_Failed()
5 - Dump patch ex4 from allocated memory

Earn free bitcoin by just recording your mouse move | PASSIVE INCOME 2021

This video is an amazing video showing how to earn free bitcoin by just recording the mouse movement in your screen, and then to repeat this process for hours and days without the need to be present in front of your computer.

How to start with Bitcoin mining for beginners and from home

Do you want to mine Bitcoins but you do not know much about mining cryptocurrencies or how to start Bitcoin mining? Then you’ll enjoy our simple beginner’s guide to mine bitcoin, in this tutorial we will take you through the process of mining Bitcoin step by step. If you want to learn more about the mining techniques and how Bitcoin mining works, then keep reading and you will become more experienced with Bitcoin mining.

Setup your Antminer - ALL MODELS - HOW TO MINE BITCOIN

This setup guide works with almost all Antminers(V9, S9, ) The video shows the setup process for an Antminer V9, all you need to change is the Server URL and...

Ex4 to mq4 best free online decompiler and converter in 2021

How to decompile ex4 to mq4, just upload ex4 file(s) with this ex4 to mq4 decompiler tool, and our system will convert and decompile the ex4 and return you the mq4 file.

Make a living from our forex and crypto signals [best free signals in 2021]

How to get FREE Forex Signals in 2021? It's really difficult to find a free signal provider who is decent and have credibility. The purpose of this video is ...