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Updated by ESS India on Mar 21, 2023
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Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation is an innovative technology using which repetitive, high volume, mechanical and arduous tasks can be assigned to a virtual operator or ‘robot’ rather than a human being. Tasks that are performed by a human being in a robot-like manner, without applying too much thought or without using any discretionary thinking, can be performed by software robots. RPA frees up your skilled staff for tasks where their experience and intelligence can be put to better, more productive use.


RPA in Healthcare – Healing the Healthcare Industry with RPA

Medical science has advanced rapidly, allowing life expectancy to increase globally, but as lifespans increase, healthcare systems face rising demands for

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We enhance and automate human jobs for businesses using our RPA Services in various business operations, improving the quality and efficiency of the outcomes in a much shorter period. ESS’s RPA services allow you to automate human jobs for your business, resulting in increased operational efficiency and productivity with the same number of resources.

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Manufacturing businesses use process automation solutions like Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to streamline and improve complicated back-office activities, including vendor interactions, payment processing, report preparation, and address these pain issues. RPA in Manufacturing has emerged as a crucial enabler for process automation.

Robotic Process Automation(RPA) in Retail – Automation in Retail Sector

RPA in Retail is revolutionizing the way retailers do business. By automating most of the mundane, rule-based jobs, RPA can free up your taskforce and enable them to focus their time and energies on more productive tasks.


RPA in logistics, is one technology that may help improve logistics and supply chain optimization by automating time-consuming, repetitive tasks.

Retail Automation - The Best Time to Automate is Now - ebizframe ERP

Automation in retail, can help retailers do just that. Retail automation is on the rise. Globally, retail automation is expected to reach....

Robotic Process Automation in Banking

Using RPA in the banking industry is primarily intended for automating repetitive tasks. With robotic process automation (RPA), banks can engage their customers

Eastern Software Systems awarded UiPath Gold Business Partner status

Eastern Software Systems (ESS) is proud to announce that we have achieved Gold Partner status with UiPath, one of the leading enterprise RPA software providers.

ebizframe ERP- An Agile and Scalable Solution for modern Manufacturing Companies

The next-generation technology-Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has the potential to transform today’s workplace as drastically as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology revolution changed the manufacturing industry.

Robotic Process Automation tools to Automate Your Business

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tools are generally utilized for automation of high-volume, repetitive tasks. These tools are essential for automating Business

RPA For Financial Services - Book A Free Demo

Adopting Robotic Process Automation enables financial players to rapidly automate simple to complex workflows and increase productivity and profit margins. In this article, we will discuss RPA for Financial Services.

Best-in-Class Companies Are Using RPA Bot For CV Screening

Now, if the process gets automated, a single RPA Bot For CV Screening takes 4 sec per resume so it can screen 900 resumes in a single day. And these bots can also be increased as per requirements.

RPA Solutions For Financial Services–RPA Services Provider

Adopting Robotic Process Automation enables financial players to rapidly automate simple to complex workflows and increase productivity and profit margins. In this article, we will discuss RPA Solutions For Financial Services.