Gideon the Ninth. Necromancy, sword fighting, and spaceships. I devoured this in a few days and stayed up far past my bedtime.
The painter Basil Hallward and the aristocrat Lord Henry Wotton observe the picture of Dorian Gray.
The Picture of Dorian Gray, ties supernatural horrors and art. Leaves much open to interpretation.
Ninth House Cover
Ninth House. A modern piece of literature. Imagine the aesthetic style of dark academia manifested in book form. This novel is full of ghosts, mysteries, and towering ivy-league buildings.
Mysteries of Udolpho first page
Mysteries of Udolpho. Gothic literature at its finest: remote crumbling castles, seemingly supernatural events, a brooding, scheming villain and a persecuted heroine.
First page of the 12-part serialization of Henry James' novella The Turn of the Screw in Collier's Weekly
Philadelphia-based Gloomy Gorgeous is a lifestyle blog for cultivating a life inspired by all things dark and moody. It is a haven for those of us who are drawn to the moody and mysterious.