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Updated by University Cancer Centers on Jan 16, 2024
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University Cancer Centers

Are you looking for the most accurate, complete, and best information on cancer treatment? It is the perfect platform that gives you in-depth knowledge about various cancer treatment facilities.

Mycosis Fungoides Sezary Syndrome: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Mycosis Fungoides Sezary Syndrome is a relatively rare and rapidly growing cancer. It affects both the skin and the blood. Symptoms of Sezary syndrome may appear as eczema (a type of skin rash) or other typical skin conditions in the initial stages. Mycosis Fungoides Sezary syndrome may be caused by a virus, genetic predisposition, or chemical exposure. Men are more likely to develop Sezary syndrome than women, and the risk is highest in people aged 50 and 60.

#1 Cancer Treatment Center Houston Texas - University Cancer Centers

Mycosis Fungoides Sezary Syndrome is a relatively rare and rapidly growing cancer. It affects both the skin and the blood. Symptoms of Sezary syndrome may appear as eczema (a type of skin rash) or other typical skin conditions in the initial stages. Mycosis Fungoides Sezary syndrome may be caused by a virus, genetic predisposition, or chemical exposure. Men are more likely to develop Sezary syndrome than women, and the risk is highest in people aged 50 and 60.


Graft Vs Host Disease: Everything To Know

Graft Vs Host Disease: Everything To Know

Graft vs host disease or GVHD is a widespread condition that often occurs following a donor stem cell or bone marrow transplant. The graft does not always recognize the host as being friendly; it considers your body as a detrimental element. Two types of graft vs host disease are likely to develop, which include acute and chronic disease. The common signs of GVHD are stiff joints, chronic cough, nausea, skin rashes, and diarrhea.


Change the air you and your loved ones breathe today

Change the air you and your loved ones breathe today

According to the Academy of Medicine, cigarette smoke is one of the biggest pollutants found indoors, because it is full of harmful particles. Change the air you and your loved ones breathe today! Quit Smoking today!


Risk Factors of Breast Cancer

Risk Factors of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women. Mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat and before it is big enough to feel or cause symptoms. Felling anything unusual with your breasts, book a mammogram with University Cancer Centers Cancer experts today!

What Is Nasopharyngeal Cancer? Explained

Nasopharyngeal cancer is a rare form of cancer that develops in the head and neck. It generally appears behind the nose in the upper part of the throat. Less than 1 in 100,000 people in the country may experience nasopharyngeal cancer. The symptoms of this cancer can be headache, blurry vision, and a lump in the neck. Nasopharyngeal cancer is more likely to happen in those who smoke and drink alcohol.

Cause & Symptoms Of Oropharyngeal Cancer

Oropharyngeal cancer is an Asymptomatic severe health disease caused by smoking or being infected with HPV (Human Papillomavirus). In Oropharyngeal cancer, cancer cells form in the oropharynx’s tissues. And its initial symptoms include sore throat and a lump in the neck.

What Is Myeloproliferative Neoplasm, Types, And Symptoms?

Myeloproliferative neoplasm is a rare blood cancer that occurs due to the creation of too many red blood cells, platelets, or white blood cells by your bone marrow. This cancer has a slow growth rate and several types. The symptoms of MPN will vary based on what type of MPN cancer you have. However, the most common sign of this cancer is splenomegaly, in which you may feel discomfort, pressure, fullness, etc.


Cancer and Surgical Treatment

Cancer and Surgical Treatment

At University Cancer Centers, we offer coordinated cancer and surgical treatment to every patient for the best possible outcome. Connect with us at

Parathyroid Symptoms: Know Some Easy Ways To Detect And Treat Them

Parathyroid cancer is a rare type of cancer where formation of cancer cells occurs in the parathyroid glands. This cancer has further types as well such as hyperparathyroidism and hypoparathyroidism. Some of the common parathyroid symptoms are feeling excessive weakness and exhaustion, lump in the neck, kidney stones, loss of memory, constipation and vomiting.

Metastatic Breast Cancer Vs. Breast Cancer: The Ultimate Guide

There are major differences between metastatic breast cancer & breast cancer. Metastatic is the advanced breast cancer stage. It is the spread of cancer cells.

Metastatic Breast Cancer Vs. Breast Cancer: The Ultimate Guide

There are major differences between metastatic breast cancer & breast cancer. Metastatic is the advanced breast cancer stage. It is the spread of cancer cells.

Learn About The Different Types Of Brain Cancers And Their Effects

Brain cancers are up to 120 million subtypes and can be classified into two different categories, i.e., high-grade and low-grade cancers.

Basal Cell Skin Cancer: Symptoms, Prevention, And Treatment

Basal cell skin cancer is among the most common skin cancer types, with 2.3 million cases in the U.S. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent further complications.

How Can Exercising Help In The Prevention & Treatment Of Colon Cancer?

The role of exercise in colon cancer prevention and treatment is significant. Read our blog that shows improvement in colon cancer patients.

Oral Cancer Available Treatment - University Cancer Treatment

Oral cancer is among the most dangerous forms of cancer & can easily spread if not diagnosed & treated properly. Let’s discuss the best treatment approaches.

Anal Cancer Causes and Treatment - University Cancer Centers

Anal cancer is health trouble to worry about. A number of factors contribute to this disease. Early diagnosis is the key to stopping cancer.

2 Most Promising Breakthroughs For Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment

There are many treatment breakthroughs for small cell lung cancer. These studies suggest the most promising treatment options for SCLC.

Gene Therapy Risks and Benefits - University Cancer Centers

Gene therapy is a promising treatment option that involves changing DNA to treat gene abnormalities & inherited disorders


University Cancer Centers

University Cancer Centers

Every year tens of millions of people are diagnosed with cancer, and half die across the world. Do you want to know about the best platform that can help you to know about the personalized and individualized cancer treatment facilities? University Cancer Centers is the standalone solution to all your cancer-related issues. It offers the best tips to prevent cancer and informs you about affordable cancer treatment ways. Visit the website to learn more about the latest and reliable cancer treatment ways.