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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Maldives’ packing list – The Maldives must-haves
Joanna James Joanna James
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Maldives’ packing list – The Maldives must-haves

Here are a few things you should make sure to include in your travel bag when visiting the Maldives next time!


Clothes and footwear

Take a few extra swimsuits and make sure to pack some in bright colours to contrast with the sparkly blue waters, for some amazing pictures! Try colours like bright pink, orange, red or green. Several cotton t-shirts, and spaghetti tops. A couple of loose flowing dresses for dinners etc. A kaftan or a cover-up, when you are not in the sea. A sarong, a few pairs of comfortable shorts, skirts or trousers. A nice pair of sandals for when you go out for meals etc. Slippers will, of course, be essential, and you will most likely be in the most of the time, but most Maldives island resorts will probably provide you with those as well. But pack one just in case.


Accessories/ miscellaneous

A nice wide brim hat and sunglasses. Plenty of clips or hair bands for your hair as it can get hot and humid. Travel size bottles of your favourite shampoo and conditioner, being in the sun and salt water can dry out your hair quite a bit. A beach bag to put all of your stuff in when you head to the beach. A high SPF sunscreen lotion and a good body lotion. A small backpack will also be useful if you go on an excursion away from your island. A dry bag to put all your clothes, gear, electronic equipment etc, if you head out for scuba diving or snorkelling. A nice book you have been meaning to read on the beach. A reusable water bottle.


Electronic items

A travel adapter, however, most resorts will probably provide you with these. But you may pack one for an emergency or extra use. An underwater camera for some amazing pictures, especially if you go scuba diving etc. Your phone and charger. If you are into high flying pictures drones (however, do check with your hotel staff before bringing them)



If going snorkelling and you already have your gear, why not bring them along. Some resorts tend to charge extra for such items if you rent them from them. It's always better to have your own, and the ones that you are used to. Check with your resort about these, such as from Naladhu private island Maldives.


Avoid these

Don't buy duty-free alcohol from your home country or in transit. All alcohol products will be confiscated upon landing in the Maldives. However, resorts can serve you alcoholic beverages just don't bring them into the country. Don't bring too many shoes or a laptop. Keep as much electronics as possible at home so you can focus on the beauty around you more. Don't bring any snacks with pork products or that may be contaminated with it. These will be confiscated, also don't bring any religious material such as books and documents. As the Maldives is a strict Islamic nation, these are not allowed to pass beyond its borders.