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Updated by Husky Hamster on Mar 03, 2022
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Tips for writing awesome content and getting traffic

The key to writing awesome content and getting traffic is to keep your readers in mind and give them the thing they need most. Don’t worry about how many words you write or how long each post is. Just write from the heart and give people what they want. Here are some tips to help you up your content game and increase your traffic.


Make it easy to read

You can write the most brilliant post in the world, but if it’s difficult to read, readers won’t bother. Don’t solve complex problems that people don’t have. Write in plain English. Don’t use jargon or technical terms unless you’re sure people will understand them. If you want people to read something, make it readable.


Make it useful

The most successful posts are those that give something of value to the reader. This could be a how-to post showing them how to do something, an entertaining post explaining something about everyday life, a guide on how to achieve something, or an inspirational post giving them something to think about.

Ask yourself, what is the best thing I can give my readers that they genuinely need? This is the key ingredient for writing awesome content and getting traffic.


Be social

Social media is not just about posting on Facebook and Twitter. It’s about sharing your content with others.Here are some ways to share your content:

Share it on social networks.
Post it as a guest post on someone else’s blog.
Submit it to a directory or news site for free exposure.
Email it to friends.
Use social bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious and Reddit to get more traffic.


Make it easy to share

If people like your content, they want to share it with their friends and colleagues. That’s why sharing buttons are so important. It’s one of the reasons I use WordPress, because it has a great sharing plugin called Jetpack. This plugin has all the most popular sharing buttons embedded in the post so you can share on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Email and more without having to leave the page.


Offer a free download

People love getting things for free. That’s why free downloads are so powerful. For example, if you’re writing a post about cooking, you might offer an ebook called “50 Healthy Cooking Recipes” that people can download for free.

If you’re writing a post about a product or service, you might offer a short report called “7 Ways to Use Product X” or “5 Mistakes to Avoid When Using Service Y”. This will help build your credibility as an expert and increase your conversion rate.

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Be linkable

People often get stuck when writing content because they don’t know where to find ideas. Write a post that explains a problem, gives a solution, and links to the original content. This is called a roundup post and it’s an excellent way to give something of value to readers.


Get backlinks

People often wonder why backlinks are important. A backlink tells Google that other people think your content is worth looking at. The key to getting more backlinks is to create valuable content that other people want to link to. Update your blog regularly with new content and mix it up so you’re writing about different topics. Every website needs backlinks to rank well in the search engines. The more backlinks you have, the better your rankings will be.


Drive traffic

Once you have great content, you need to get people to read it. This is called driving traffic. There are two ways to do this:
Use SEO (search engine optimization). This means using keywords on your website to tell the search engines what your site is about.
Promote your content in social media, email newsletters, forums and other places where people hang out.