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Updated by Rochelle Post on Sep 27, 2021
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Ten Easy Care Houseplants

As a beginner plant-mom, here are 10 plants that I have not killed yet and would be great in classrooms!




Crotons are great plants that are fairly resilient. Water every 7-10 days when the soil is dried out on the top 2 inches and keep in bright spaces as it does need some sunlight but does not need direct sunlight to flourish!




Pothos plants LOVE humidity and the soil needs to be kept moist. Water every 5-7 days to keep this plant healthy! Pothos comes in a variety of leaf shapes and colours with some tendrils that will drape if you allow them! Bright, indirect sunlight is where these guys like to be - perfect for a classroom shelf!


Chinese Evergreen Plant

Chinese Evergreen Plant

While this plant has various versions, this one has a touch of pink to brighten up the spaces! This plant LOVES moist soil so whenever you notice the soil looking dry in the top 3 inches - water away! In this container, I water it every 3-5 days with 2 cups of water! This is what I prefer to do in order to make sure to avoid root rot! This guy loves sunlight so a south-facing window is its best friend so it gets sun throughout the day!




This particular species of calathea is known as the "Pin Stripe" calathea and although it is small now - it can grow into a larger, taller plant! These plants love bright light although it does not have to be direct! Watering every 6-9 days and stopping when water starts to pool at the surface will have these guys sprouting new leaves and shoots in no time!




Aloe plants are a part of the succulent and cacti family so if you forget to water this plant that is OK..for a few weeks! You only need to water aloe once the soil is completely dry! Due to the nature of this plant, it loves some sun! Any window that has a good sill or ledge for it to sit on is perfect!




These plants are always fun to admire in stores or in your house and are commonly identified by their unique "Y" structure! I care for this plant all the time when my roommate forgets or goes away - so it's basically mine! This plant is fairly resilient and does not like direct sunlight! Bright spaces away from windowsills are best and allow for this plant to dry out between waterings almost completely!


Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo

This hardy plant is great in a home or classroom! Lucky Bamboo does well in poorly lit, barely watered conditions although, clearly, the brighter the area and more frequently watered the better! Watering every 6-9 days will do perfectly but do not fret if you forget and go every other week for watering! This plant also is believed to bring luck and good fortune - so why not have it in a classroom?


Spider Plant

Spider Plant

This is the only spider anything I tolerate - minus Spiderman! A fun, easy-growing plant that makes any room fun! This plant loves bright, indirect light and needs water when the top half of the soil is completely dry (8-10 days if watered thoroughly). An added perk to this funky plant is that it purifies the air while doing its thing! Neat, right! Perfect for a bathroom or classroom atmosphere!


ZZ Plant

ZZ Plant

Although I have only 'babysat' ZZ plants before, they are quite hardy as well! These plants are very low maintenance and consequently slow growing! Preferring low or bright indirect light and very little water, these plants are optimal for classrooms! Watering this plant should only occur once the entire soil from top to bottom is dry so making sure the soil is well-draining is key! I 'plantsat' for two weeks and only watered the ZZ twice and about 1 cup of water each time.


Snake Plants

Snake Plants

Snake plants come in SO many species it is hard to keep track! Personally, I have had 2 varieties with this version recently being repotted to create room for new growth! Snake plants typically are one of the most resilient plants out there - so if you forget to water them for 2 weeks they will be okay (speaking from experience)! Water them consistently every 7-10 days and keep them in bright spots for optimal growth although these plants do well in very low light conditions!