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Updated by Tim McDonald on Nov 19, 2024
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Tim McDonald Tim McDonald
39 items   52 followers   5 votes   443 views does a great job of encouraging others to find your information and gives you a chance to tell your story. Add yours and check out others!


Tim McDonald

Digital Strategist. Community Manager. Live Streaming Video.
Director of Community at The Huffington Post. Founder of My Community Manager. Speaker.

William Chau

Stat Nerd. Story Teller. Social Psych Lover
William is an aspiring full stack marketer and community manager.

Contempo Space (contempospace) on

Contempo Space makes some of the awesomest contemporary furniture ever. They do this in Passaic, New Jersey, where they insist that awesomest is actually a word.

Cakephp Expert (cakephpexpert) on

View Cakephp Expert on makes it easy for you to learn about Cakephp Expert's background and interests.


Happy Koala

Happy Koala

We are Happy Koala SEO Agency, we like to rank websites for fun.

Bob Dunn | aka bobwp

WordPress Trainer and Coach I love coaching and training WordPress users. In addition to my online classes which you will find on, I do lots of online, one-on-one WordPress coaching, group training for organizations, businesses and corporations at I have turned my 20 years of marketing, graphic design and website development experience into my passion for WordPress.

Steve Bryson

Family, Food, Friends, 한국, Music, Politics, Social Media, Tech, TV.

Chelsea Hickey

Digital Marketing, Social Media, Email & Brand Advocacy Strategist.

Tom Besore

Sorry I cannot take your call right now.... I am an adventurer, traveler, diver, hiker, wandering nomad of the free world! After fifteen years of practicing law I am now searching for innovative ways to make the world a better place. Let's talk! Use one of the services below to catch me if you can!

Phyllis Khare (phylliskhare) on

View Phyllis Khare on makes it easy for you to learn about Phyllis Khare's background and interests.

Tony Lazzari

Recent move to Co|ex-Naperville|Empty nesting Dad|Realtor w/ an appetite for tech|acerbic wit at times|spiritual|road cycling|family|pizza|photog wannabe Recent move to Co|ex-Naperville|Empty nesting Dad|Realtor w/ an appetite for tech|acerbic wit at times|spiritual|road cycling|family|pizza|photog wannabe Veronica Belmont - user since 2010 "First, customize your page. It's easy and fun to design!"

About Me - Malhar Barai

Thanks for coming by this page!! For many of you who do not know about me, apart from being a husband, father - I am a Co-Founder of Buzzing Digital , Author, Speaker, Blogger & Social Media Consultant. I love to talk and share my knowledge through my blog & speaking assignments.

Van Riper

Serial Community Organizer Silicon Valley geek and Hatha Yoga enthusiast. Spent 30 years as a developer in Silicon Valley working for both big and small companies. Embarking now on a new career at Google working with developer communities. Serial Community Organizer Silicon Valley geek and Hatha Yoga enthusiast.

Joyce Sullivan (joycemsullivan) on

View Joyce Sullivan on makes it easy for you to learn about Joyce Sullivan's background and interests.

Rachael King

Social media strategist, community manager & gen y blogger.

Currently: Heading up social at Sidecar, leading a team of community managers across the nation to develop and drive the company's social strategy, and grow their passionate rideshare community. Previously: Senior Community Manager at Adobe.

Jessica Masterson

A Social Media Manager at U.S. Cellular working inside a dynamic social/digital team, living the dream--online and off. WARNINGS: Side effects may include: contagious laughter, collaboration, knowledge bombs, better communication, stronger relationships, cooler stuff being produced and better business results being had.

Eric Herberholz (ericherberholz) on

View Eric Herberholz on makes it easy for you to learn about Eric Herberholz's background and interests.

Michael Hahn

Over 14 years experience in designing and maintaining large web communities while building user growth and brand visibility for online organizations. Highly competitive, passionate, persuasive and articulate, able to achieve results. I am experienced in viral & social media marketing, writing, content creation, community relations, community management, partnership building, online competition systems, web production and web development.

Bill Lublin

Speaker, Trainer, Tech Expert I am a Realtor, Educator, Speaker, Tech Freak, New Media Marketing Mayven, Traveler, Investor, Movie Fan, Raconteur, and arbiter of Comedy. I'm the CEO of the Social Media Marketing Institute (SMMI) and according to Inman News I am one of real estate's most influential people online .


Sherrie Rohde

Sherrie Rohde

eCommerce Program Manager at @Rebellion_Media. Passionate about community and addicted to @magento. Part of the @myCMGR team + bffs with @kalenjordan. ENFP. 

Sharon Paxson

Newport Beach Real Estate Agent I live and work in this beautiful area of Newport Beach. I love the business of Real Estate and enjoy helping people find their homes. Find Newport Beach community information and Newport Beach home search information.


Bhupesh Shah

Bhupesh Shah

A good idea is a good idea NOW!™ Marketing Prof; SenecaSoMe Social Media Program Coordinator; founder of ethnicomm inc; strategy consultant; exp. speaker; Dad #usguys

Carrie Jones

Community strategist and nurturer at Chegg. I build academic communities around the United States that help students all over the world.

Monica Wright

Director of Community for @sengineland & @marketingland, speaker, media enthusiast & part-time martial artist. When I grow up I'll paint something pretty.


Kathy Herndon, GPHR

Kathy Herndon, GPHR

Director of HRIS at Kimball International, Inc. Active on Twitter @kathyherndon and LinkedIn.