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Updated by Mark Jones on Feb 01, 2021
Mark Jones Mark Jones
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Temporary for testing

How to create a SharePoint Audience - step by step

Microsoft has done a phenomenal job with this feature and with a little bit of understanding and patience, we can use this feature to good effect. Before I begin the discussion I would like to mention that Audience is a part of User Profile Service Application.

SharePoint 2013 Basic Search Center Navigation Settings Breaks in June 2013 CU

In the June 2013 Cumulative Update for SharePoint 2013, if you modify the navigation settings of a Basic Search Center (/_layouts/15/AreaNavigationSettings.aspx), the OK button generates the following error: [crayon-51f589ee3f5b1412650891/] To work around this, on the Navigation Settings page, you can create a node under “Structural Navigation: Editing and Sorting”.  By placing a node underneath the Global or Current Navigation nodes, the error is bypassed.  

Free Step by Step SharePoint Server 2013 Lab Guides by Microsoft

This Post contains a bunch of Free Step by Step SharePoint Server 2013 Lab Guides that Microsoft gives for free on its Download Center. Usually I post them together with the other free resources that Microsoft offers, however this is a Test Lab Guide…

SharePoint 2010 – Service Pack 2 Released

Microsoft has released Service Pack 2 for SharePoint 2010!  Here’s what you need to know… Where to get it SharePoint Foundation: SharePoint Server: Project Server: Office Web Apps:   What changed Added support for Windows Server 2012 Added support for IE10 All updates that were included in Cumulative Updates up [...]

SharePoint 2010 Service Pack 2 RTW

SharePoint 2010 Service Pack 2 has been released! SharePoint Foundation: SharePoint Server: Project Server: Office Web Apps: The major additions to this Service Pack are IE10 and Server 2012 support.  The Server 2012 support will require a full SharePoint 2010 SP2 ISO from Microsoft. Note the June 2013 Cumulative Update is a post-Service Pack 2 update.

Use SPServices and jQuery to populate large SharePoint lists

I recently worked on a project where I had nearly 200 columns in a list and I was building a custom form using HTML and JavaScript to populate/update the list items in the list. However, I didn’t want to write code to populate/retrieve the values for all 200~ columns/inputs. So, with a little help from [...]

SharePoint Newsfeed app available in Windows Store

Need to stay connected while you are on the road? The SharePoint Newsfeed for the Windows Store app is now available! The app can be found in the Windows Store and is compatible with SharePoint Online and SharePoint 2013. The SharePoint Newsfeed app allows you to access, view, post, reply, and upload documents by simply signing into your SharePoint or Office 365 account.
Find out more about the SharePoint Newsfeed for Windows 8 on the Office 365 blog.

I Hate SharePoint

I don’t hate SharePoint at all.  It’s quite the opposite, but users often do, and it makes for a nice catchy title too!  Seriously though, this is a problem that many SharePoint architects, administrators, consultants, etc run into on a regular basis. SharePoint has been in existence for over 10 years as a standalone product [...]

Win one of 2 passes to SharePoint Connections in Amsterdam

Collaboris are delighted to give you the chance to win one of two passes to Europe's coolest SharePoint Conference taking place in Amsterdam on November 19th - 20th.

SharePoint Can STILL Do That

After a very long hiatus (5 months is a long time in the virtual world), I’ve decided to bring this site back to life. I will be releasing a blog post soon that I am excited about and I have more planned as well. I hope to be able to give more time to this [...]

MS13-052 Causes issues with SharePoint

Update 7/25/2013: KB2872441 will resolve this issue. Thanks to @kelvin_hoyle for pointing this one out, the .NET Security patch MS13-052 is causing issues with SharePoint.  For now, it is recommended to not deploy MS13-052 to SharePoint servers.  See this TechNet thread for further details.

SharePoint 2010 June 2013 Cumulative Updates Re-Released

The June 2013 Cumulative Update for SharePoint 2010 has been re-released with new knowledge base articles. SharePoint Foundation: SharePoint Server 2010: Project Server 2010: Office 2010 June 2013 Cumulative Updates:

How to Ask for Help on the TechNet SharePoint Forums

I am currently a moderator on the TechNet SharePoint 2010 and 2013 General as well as Setup/Administration forums.  There are a lot of people asking for help every day, and I’m glad I’m apart of the community that helps not only manage, but to answer questions. However, it helps those who are answering questions if you can provide some very basic information about what you’re attempting to accomplish or resolve.  Here are my suggestions for information that you should outline in your original post when asking for help: The build of SharePoint you’re using, which you can find by running [crayon-51f589ee42198711396790-i/] If necessary, check the Control Panel “Programs and Features” to look at installed updates to validate Service Packs are installed The general architecture of the farm, number of SharePoint servers, their overall roles, number of SQL Servers; indicate if this is a single-server install, with or without SQL Express The error you’re seeing from an end user perspective (if applicable) and server perspective Validate you have checked all the log files for errors; the ULS, Application Event Log, System Event Log, and under Applications and Services, the SharePoint Event Logs Provide any information about ancillary servers and services, such as Exchange, AD RMS, ADFS or 3rd party SAML providers, and so forth Let us know your comfort level on accomplishing the task or resolving the error!  It helps target an answer at an appropriate level for the person asking the question With all of this information, it helps those who are answering questions get off to a great start to quickly answer your question.  Many of us are aware, for example, of specific SharePoint Service Packs and Cumulative Updates that break specific features… knowing your farm build version helps answer this question without a lot of troubleshooting or back-and-forth. One last suggestion would be to post the question in the correct forum.  I see a lot of developer questions in the General forums when they should have been asked in the Development forums.  Moderators can move your questions to the appropriate forum, but if one day goes by before the question is moved, it will likely be on the third or fourth page of the Developer forum and no one may see it. If you have any other suggestions for information to provide up front when asking a question, I’d love to hear about it.

My SPChat at about SharePoint 2010/2013 on Azure Infrastructure Services

If you have any question related to: - How you can use Azure Infrastructure Services (IaaS) to host your SharePoint 2010/2013 farm? - How you can implement High-availability and what’s the best practice? Please join my SPChat at August … Continue reading →

Completely Offline Installation of SharePoint 2013

Introduction Sometimes when we need to install SharePoint we fail due to that there is no internet connection or our servers behind a firewall and we can’t access internet. So in this blog we will see how we can do … Continue reading →

SkyDrive Pro apps now available for Windows 8 and iOS

The SkyDrive Pro apps for Windows 8 and iOS are now available in the Windows Store and Apple Store respectively for SharePoint Online users in Office 365. Find out more about how you can use SkyDrive Pro apps to access, view, and upload documents from anywhere on the O365 technology blog.

SharePoint 2013 on Server 2012 R2 Preview and SQL 2014 CTP1

Server 2012 R2 preview and SQL 2014 CTP1 released today so I tried to install SharePoint 2013 on it and guess what ?! it worked prerequisiteinstaller.exe if you try the prerequisiteinstaller.exe you will see the below error the solution for … Continue reading →

Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview now available on Windows Azure IaaS

You can now create Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview on Windows Azure IaaS Filed under: Misc Tagged: Windows Azure IaaS, Windows Server 2012 R2

Advancing the enterprise social roadmap

 Today's post comes from Jared Spataro, Senior Director, Microsoft Office Division. Jared leads the SharePoint business, and he works closely with Adam Pisoni and David Sacks on Yammer integration.
To celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Yammer acquisition, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on where we've come from and talk about where we're going. My last post focused on product integration, but this time I want to zoom out and look at the big picture. It has been a busy year, and it's exciting to see how our vision of "connected experiences" is taking shape.  
Yammer momentum
First off, it's worth noting that Yammer has continued to grow rapidly over the last 12 months--and that's not something you see every day. Big acquisitions generally slow things down, but in this case we've actually seen the opposite. David Sacks provided his perspective in a post on the Microsoft blog, but a few of the high-level numbers bear repeating: over the last year, registered users have increased 55% to almost 8 million, user activity has roughly doubled, and paid networks are up over 200%. All in all, those are pretty impressive stats, and I'm proud of the team and the way the things have gone post-acquisition.
Product innovation
Second, we've continued to innovate, testing and iterating our way to product enhancements that are helping people get more done. Over the last year we've shipped new features in the standalone service once a week, including:

Message translation. Real-time message translation based on Microsoft Translator. We support translation to 23 languages and can detect and translate from 37 languages.
Inbox. A consolidated view of Yammer messages across conversations you're following and threads that are most important to you.
File collaboration. Enhancements to the file directory for easy access to recent, followed, and group files- including support for multi-file drag and drop.
Mobile app enhancements. Continual improvements for our mobile apps for iPad, iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone.
Enterprise graph. A dynamically generated map of employees, content and business data based on the Open Graph standard. Using Open Graph, customers can push messages from line of business systems to the Yammer ticker.
Platform enhancements. Embeddable feeds, likes, and follow buttons for integrating Yammer with line of business systems.

In addition to innovation in the standalone product, we've also been hard at work on product integration. In my last roadmap update, I highlighted our work with Dynamics CRM and described three phases of broad Office integration: "basic integration, deeper connections, and connected experiences." Earlier this month, we delivered the first component of "basic integration" by shipping an Office 365 update that lets customers make Yammer the default social network. This summer, we'll ship a Yammer app in the SharePoint store and publish guidance for integrating Yammer with an on-prem SharePoint 2013 deployment, and this fall we'll release Office 365 single sign-on, profile picture synchronization, and user experience enhancements.
Finally, even though we're proud of what we've accomplished over the last twelve months, we recognize that we're really just getting started.  "Connected experiences" is our shorthand for saying that social should be an integrated part of the way everyone works together, and over the next year we'll be introducing innovations designed to make Yammer a mainstream communication tool.  Because of the way we develop Yammer, even we don't know exactly what that will look like. But what we can tell you is that we have an initial set of features we're working on today, and we'll test and iterate our way to enhancements that will make working with others easier than ever before. This approach to product roadmap is fairly new for enterprise software, but we're convinced it's the only way to lead out in space that is as dynamic and fast-paced as enterprise social. To give you a sense for where we're headed, here are a few of the projects currently under development over the next 6-8 months:

SharePoint search integration. We're enabling SharePoint search to search Yammer conversations and setting the stage for deeper, more powerful apps that combine social and search.
Yammer groups in SharePoint sites. The Yammer app in the SharePoint store will allow you to manually replace a SharePoint site feed with a Yammer group feed, but we recognize that many customers will want to do this programmatically. We're working on settings that will make Yammer feeds the default for all SharePoint sites. (See below for a mock-up of a Yammer group feed surfaced as an out-of-the-box component of a SharePoint team site.)
Yammer messaging enhancements. We're redesigning the Yammer user experience to make it easier to use as a primary communication tool. We'll also be improving directed messaging and adding the ability to message multiple groups at once.
Email interoperability. We're making it easier than ever to use Yammer and email together. You'll be able to follow an entire thread via email, respond to Yammer messages from email, and participate in conversations across Yammer and email.
External communication. Yammer works great inside an organization, but today you have to create an external network to collaborate with people outside your domain. We're improving the messaging infrastructure so that you can easily include external parties in Yammer conversations.
Mobile apps. We'll continue to invest in our iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows Phone 8, and Windows 8 apps as primary access points. The mobile apps are already a great way to use Yammer on the go, and we'll continue to improve the user experience as we add new features to the service.
Localization. We're localizing the Yammer interface into new languages to meet growing demand across the world.

It will take some time, and we'll learn a lot as we go, but every new feature will help define the future--one iteration at a time.
When I take a moment to look at how much has happened over the last year, I'm really proud of the team and all they've accomplished. An acquisition can be a big distraction for both sides, but the teams in San Francisco and Redmond have come together and delivered. And as you can see from the list of projects in flight, we're definitely not resting on our laurels. We're determined to lead the way forward with rapid innovation, quick-turn iterations, and connected experiences that combine the best of Yammer with the familiar tools of Office. It's an exciting time, and we hope you'll join us in our journey. 
--Jared Spataro
P.S. As you may have seen, we'll be hosting the next SharePoint Conference March 3rd through the 6th in Las Vegas. I'm really looking forward to getting the community back together again and hope that you'll join us there for more details on how we're delivering on our vision of transforming the way people work together. Look forward to seeing you there!

The SharePoint Arab Nuggets: SharePoint 2010/2013 Farm with High-availability on Windows Azure Infrastructure Service...

Introduction Windows Azure provides on-demand infrastructure that scales and adapts to your changing business needs. There is a lot of white papers out there that talks about how you can create a SharePoint farm with High-availability but I wanted to … Continue reading →

SharePoint TechEd Europe cheat sheet

For those of you headed to Madrid, Spain for TechEd Europe June 24-28, we've got you covered. Bookmark this blog as your go-to reference for SharePoint sessions, along with all of the resources and links that you need to become a TechEd pro, even if this is your first conference (and if this is your first TechEd conference, check out this post).
TechEd Europe schedule and map
Check out the overview of the TechEd Itinerary, so you know when to be up, when to break for lunch, and when it's time to party. Keep this blog handy so you know how to get where you want to go. Staying in Madrid? Here is the website for the Madrid Metro system.
Build your SharePoint session schedule
Have you still not finalized your schedule? Don't fret. Here are links to key focus areas for SharePoint. Just follow the link, click the session title you want, and choose +My Schedule to add it to your calendar.

IT Pro

There is more going on than breakout sessions. Sharpen your SharePoint skills by attending hands-on labs where you'll learn tons of new tricks in areas that range from auto-hosting apps, to building workflows to expanding your social abilities. Register now for SharePoint hands-on labs.
Pre-conference seminar
Arriving early? Be ready to hit the ground running and attend SharePoint seminar PRC08: Install and Configure SharePoint 2013. The seminar takes place at 9:00-17:00 on Monday, June 24. (The SharePoint topic is #8.) There are also many hands-on labs happening that day, plus you'll have access to the Microsoft Certification Testing Center, which is open from 12:00-18:00. For a full overview, refer to the TechEd Itinerary.
Earn achievements
Be part of the event experience. Earn badges by commenting in the forums, building your schedule, adding sessions to your personal agenda, and other unique accomplishments. Find out more here.
Network with experts and peers
With a strong community forum and a full schedule of events, TechEd is the perfect place to meet industry players and forge lasting friendships. Bring your business cards and join the conversation. Find attendees and speakers with the TechEd Directory and learn more networking tips here:  Connect with Experts and Your Peers at TechEd! 
Expo topics and hours
There are 4 topic areas to choose from, and each topic is available all week. Spend one day at each one, or spend the whole week at one area. Mix and match however you want, the choice is yours!

Build Apps. Apps enable a new light-touch way to customize and integrate the Office and SharePoint experience.
Socialize. Enterprise Social enables engagement and collaboration allowing companies to transform their business by becoming more innovative and agile.
Immerse. Immerse yourself with the latest Office productivity tools and devices, everything from tablets to Ultrabooks right up to the most powerful devices and largest screens when you need to take on big challenges.
Upgrade. Get up and running quickly with the latest productivity services from Microsoft. We will show you how to get Office 365, easily upgrade SharePoint and deploy Office in no time.

Expo Hours:

Tuesday, June 25

10:00am - 14:00
18:00 - 20:00 (Expo Reception)

Wednesday, June 26

10:00 - 13:30
15:00 - 18:00
18:15 - 21:00 (Ask the Experts)

Thursday, June 27

10:00 - 13:30
15:00 - 19:00 (16:00 - 19:00 Happy Hour)

Thursday, June 6


Product booths
Have questions? Check out the SharePoint product booths which will have panels of experts for deep technical conversations on the following topics:


Take advantage of their knowledge and expertise. This is a great opportunity for networking and for some one-on-one Q&A time with an array of SharePoint pros.
Stay connected
Follow @SharePoint to stay connected to the SharePoint team and get the latest SharePoint tweets, updates, chances to win prizes, and more. We suggest you also follow @TechEdEurope for more general conference information. The official hashtag for the conference is #MSTechEd, but we suggest you use the session track that you are tweeting about (Example: #TechEdSES), or both #MSTechEd and #SharePoint to help organize and foster discussions.
Make the most of Madrid and join the TechEd party
There are plenty of events surrounding TechEd that you should take full advantage of while you're in Madrid. Take a look at <a target="
blank" href="Best" data-longurl="">Best" >">Best Things to See, Do and Eat in Madrid, Spain for ideas on the best that the city has to offer, including restaurants, nightlife, and local attractions.  There are also bike clubs, jam sessions, parties, and meet-ups--check the forum to see what else is going on while you're in town. And be sure to join us 19:30-midnight on Wednesday, June 26 for the TechEd Europe Country Drinks where you can relax, network and have drinks with other delegates from your country. Enjoy a menu of Spanish tapas and soft drinks, beer, wine, cava or sangria while at El Paseo de la Gastronomía, located in the southwest area of the city (just 5 minutes from the Plaza of Spain) in the Casa de Campo Fairgrounds. Housed in traditional and historic buildings, the restaurants of the Paseo de la Gastronomía combine excellent cuisine and beautiful surroundings-each with its own distinctive flavor. Join us for an unforgettable evening in Madrid.

How to filter a SharePoint Task list to only show items due within 7 days

In this example we are going to show how to create a view that only shows the tasks that are due in the next 7 days.

  • I have spent many many hours working as a SharePoint Developer Architect and Consultant for lots of organisations in the UK such as the NHS, Tarmac, O2, Lloyds of London, Lloyds TSB, BT etc.


  • Tools