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Updated by Lauren Girardin on Feb 16, 2022
Headline for Marketing and Communications Blogs for Nonprofit and Philanthropy
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Marketing and Communications Blogs for Nonprofit and Philanthropy

A list of blogs about marketing and communications strategy for nonprofit, foundation, and philanthropy organizations. Includes blogs that cover branding and identity, content strategy and storytelling, data and measurement, digital and online communications, social media, websites, tactics, trends, and more. ** Your additions are welcome. Please link directly to the URL of the blog itself. Consider including the twitter handle of the blog or blog owner in the title of your addition.


Beth Kanter — @kanter

How networked nonprofits leverage networks and data for social change.

Kivi Leroux Miller, Nonprofit Marketing Guide — @kivilm

Written for do-it-yourself nonprofit marketers and one-person nonprofit communications departments.

The Communications Network — @Com_Network

Supporting foundations and nonprofits to improve lives through the power of smart communications.

LightBox Collaborative — @LBCollab

The LightBox Collaborative jump-starts creative thinking, builds strategic clarity, and sparks action to advance causes that matter.

Mission Minded — @MissionM

Whether it's insights surrounding nonprofit branding, marketing strategy, or simply news from the company, the Mission Minded blog strives to educate and entertain.

Care2's Frogloop — @care2frogloop

Learn how to grow your nonprofit through donor recruitment, online fundraising, advocacy, and social media with Care2's team of expert nonprofit professionals.

npEngage by Blackbaud — @blackbaud

npENGAGE is a nonprofit resource for need-to-know news, trends and best practices. Includes nine distinctly different blogs.

Branded4Good — @branded4good

Straight talk about branding and marketing your nonprofit.

Allison Fine — @afine

Exploring the impact of social media on causes and nonprofit organizations.

Blue Avocado, Jan Masaoka — @janmasaoka

Practical, provocative, and fun food for thought for nonprofits.

Getting Attention, Nancy Schwartz — @nancyschwartz

Helping nonprofit succeed through effective marketing.

Network for Good's The Non-Profit Marketing Blog — @Network4Good

Nonprofit marketing trends, fundraising techniques, technology developments and amazing nonprofit examples to help, encourage and inspire the do-gooders of the world.

Big Duck — @bigduck

Online fundraising, marketing, and branding blog for nonprofits.

The Case Foundation — @casefoundation

The purpose of the Case Foundation is to expand giving, promote everyday philanthropy, deepen civic engagement, and broaden the use of new technologies to make giving more informed, efficient, and effective.

Cause Global, Marcia Stepanek — @CauseGlobal

Social media for social change.

The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) — @CEPData

The CEP blog features discussions on the challenges and benefits of effective, data-driven philanthropy.

Forum One — @forumone

Drupal and open source development, user experience, and digital communications strategy.

LipmanHearne — @lipmanhearne

A platform for discussing options, surfacing solutions, and supporting organizations serving the public good.

Amy Sample Ward — @amyrsward

Supporting and educating organizations and changemakers in the use of evolving technologies that cultivate and engage communities.

White Courtesy Telephone

News, opinion, and commentary from inside the third sector.

Community Organizer 2.0, Debra Askanase — @askdebra

Social media strategy for nonprofits and businesses.


Resource Media — @RMedia

Resource Media — @RMedia

Resource Media is a nonprofit PR firm that develops and delivers communications strategies to help partners succeed in today's dynamic media landscape.


The Goodman Center — @GoodmanCenter

The Goodman Center — @GoodmanCenter

Online workshops for nonprofit communication education. Where do-gooders learn to do better.


M+R Research Labs

M+R Research Labs

Groundbreaking analysis on online advocacy, fundraising, and social media.