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Updated by Gokhan Demir on Jul 27, 2013
Gokhan Demir Gokhan Demir
6 items   2 followers   0 votes   18.2k views

Online Infografik Yapma Siteleri

Infografiklerinizi illa illustrator, corel draw veya photoshopla yapmanıza gerek yok. Bunun için online infografik siteleri var.


Create infographics & online charts |

Create infographics and interactive online charts. It's free and super-easy! Follow other users and discover amazing data stories!

Piktochart: Infographic and Presentation Tool for Non-Designers | Infographics | Best Info graphic Design

Jessica Martinez | Marketing Specialist There was definitely a lot more discussion that rose out of the infographics that I created with Piktochart. I have also been able to use Piktochart infographics to spice up many different types of content.

Let's make something beautiful together. With our deep experience in data visualization, social media and talent sourcing, we've got you covered. Bring us your story. We'll make sure it's professionally communicated for the world to see. Infographics (from $999) Tell stories, drive traffic, get noticed. Learn More >> Get Started Telling Stories with data.

Data Insights. Made Social. | iCharts

iCharts accelerates data storytelling with simplistic, interactive, visualization tools for big and small data providers.

Online Diagram Software and Flowchart Software - Gliffy is a web-based diagram editor. Create and share flowcharts, network diagrams, floor plans, user interface designs and other drawings online.