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Updated by Listly on Jul 27, 2013
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Nick Kellet Nick Kellet
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The 3 "Rs" of Hiring "A" Players

Recruitment + Referrals + Retention If you want to attract top talent, and keep those high performers on your team (as I assume every employer does), it's important to create a virtuous cycle. You'll find it in cultures driven by passion, where employees are treated with respect, and candidates are treated like employees.

Lessons From a Free-Range Learning Community #TChat Recap

"What motivates dozens, thousands, even millions of people to come together on the Internet and commit their time to a project for free?" That's a good question! It was posed by a brilliant professor ( Clay Shirky) in a fascinating "TED Radio Hour" program on NPR called, " Why We Collaborate."

How To Help Top Talent Thrive

Back in college economics class, I discovered a common assumption about economies of scale - actually about returns to scale. In business, we assume that if we increase factors of input by a given amount, the output will increase by that much or more.

Where Do You Find Ideas and Insight? #TChat Preview

Our Best Source of Wisdom: You! One of the most powerful benefits of professional communities like TalentCulture is the ability to tap into individual minds in real time, for the benefit of all. That's a primary reason why I'm drawn to community management. It's exhilarating and very rewarding to be part of a collaborative learning process.

Recruitment Insights Webinar: Join Us!

What does it take to recruit top talent in today's business environment? Is a nonstop employer commitment essential? And how can companies link recruiting and retention more closely, for better business results? Learn from the experts at a very special webinar this Thursday, July 25, at 1pm ET/10 am PT.

Putting Workplace Technology In Its Place

This summer while you're on vacation, how often will you check email? Are you even taking a vacation? If you're anything like me, the thought of a digital-free vacation is almost more stressful than coming to work. Our smartphones have become integral to our daily activities.

Will The Real You Please Stand Up? #TChat Recap

Looking for yet another staggering social era statistic? Try this from personal branding tools provider, Brand Yourself: Google processes more than 80 million "people" searches each day. Yep. 80 million. Chances are someone will be searching for you soon. So ask yourself this - if someone "Googled" your name right now, would the results do you justice?

You 2.0: Reinventing a Personal Brand #TChat Preview

(Editor's Note: Looking for a complete review of the week's events and resources? Read the #TChat Recap: "Will the Real You Please Stand Up?") Here's Looking at You, Kid Most of us are familiar with the concept of personal branding. We understand how important it is to put our "best face forward," especially during a job search.

Your Digital Domain: Who's The Boss? #TChat Recap

"With great power comes great responsibility." -Voltaire Do you suppose this is what it felt like back in 1967, during the "Summer of Love?" Our country was weary from years of war and civil unrest, and people were searching to reconnect with their humanity.

Will Your Talent Be Swept Away in the Coming Tsunami?

(Editor's Note: Please welcome Switch and Shift co-founder, Ted Coine, to the pool of TalentCulture contributors. We look forward to sharing his insights on business leadership.) Recently, I had the true pleasure of appearing on Lead with Giants TV.

The Steep Cost of Poor Management

How do you feel about your job? Do you love it, hate it, or feel like you're drifting in neutral? If you're "checked out," you're not alone. According to the latest Gallup workplace research, 50% of today's employees are disengaged. Another 20% are actively disengaged (in other words, openly miserable).

Digital Breaks: Rethinking Connectivity #TChat Preview

(Editor's Note: Are you looking for a full review of this week's events and resources? Read: "Your Digital Domain: Who's The Boss? #TChat Recap.") Reset Connections - Reclaim Your Life? How did you manage your digital footprint during the July 4th holiday? Did you keep your communication channels open?

Recruiters On Twitter: Rise of "Coffee Talk" Learning

In college, one of my teachers regularly told me that the room with the coffee maker is the most important place in an office, because it's where people learn the most. At the time, I thought that this guy was perhaps a lazy coffee addict who was definitely in the wrong job.

Hiring Interns? Choose Wisely (Infographic)

"Good Enough" May Not Be So Good If you're looking to add value to your company, taking on an intern who's only "good enough" just doesn't cut it. Of course, every internship applicant isn't going to knock your socks off with stellar skills, experience, and a fresh perspective.

HR Data: What Really Counts? #TChat Recap

A Big Year For Big Data No sooner did the ball drop in Times Square on New Year's Day, than corporate talent management analyst Josh Bersin declared 2013 "The Year of BigData in HR." Soon after, he offered more expansive predictions, including the assurance that we would see "many HR analytics, BigData and workforce planning tools" emerge this year.

HR Data: What's The Big Deal? #TChat Preview

(Editor's Note: Are you looking for a full overview of this week's events and resources? See "HR Data: What Really Counts? #TChat Recap.") ( Also Note: Have you heard the news? Now there's another reason to look forward to Wednesdays!

Class of 2013 Goes To Work #TChat Recap

Written by guest blogger, Katie Paterson The HR community is so generous! This week at the SHRM conference in Chicago, as well as in online #TChat discussions, you've helped and TalentCulture spotlight issues and opportunities facing the next wave of graduates who are entering the workforce.

Reboot: Personal Brands and the #TFT13 Conference

(Editor's Note: We're thrilled to welcome Nick Kellet to TalentCulture as a guest blogger. For more information about Nick, see his profile at the end of this post.) For many members of the TalentCulture community, there's only one conference this week - SHRM13, the Society for Human Resource Management annual meeting in Chicago.

Stronger! #TChat Preview #SHRM13 Edition

(Editor's Note: Are you looking for a full review of this week's events and resources? Read the #TChat Recap: The Class of 2013 Goes To Work.") Hello Chicago: #TChat Is In The House! Buzz is everywhere in Chicago and on social media channels, as nearly 20,000 human resources professionals descend upon the city for the annual SHRM Conference & Exposition.

Employee Communication: 4 Ways to Engage

A Too-Familiar Story Let's say you're trying to buy a jacket online. There's a problem with your purchase, so you call customer service, and they put you on hold. (Waiting...) Finally you reach a robot voice informing you that the call center is closed. You really want the jacket, so you persist.

Connecting With Collaborative Leadership #TChat Recap

Early in March, I wrote a column for, focused on the consequences of collaboration. It was based on a simple but powerful premise: Collaboration is the keystone of leadership success. By coincidence, only days later I met Dan Pontefract, who introduced me to a theory he brings to life in his new book, "Flat Army: Creating a Connected And Engaged Organization."

Feeling The Future Of Work: #TChat Meets #SHRM13

Employment: An Emotional Experience It's the most overlooked aspect of employee engagement. And yet, it's the aspect that matters most - especially if you're in the graduating class of 2013, and stepping into a still uncertain, fragile global workforce economy. I'm talking about the emotional element of the employee experience.

Open Leadership: Going Deep #TChat Preview

(Editor's Note: Are you looking to see all resources for this week's topic? Read the #TChat Recap: Connecting With Collaborative Leadership.) Think back for a moment on your career. Who's been your favorite boss? How would you describe that person's leadership style? Is it a command-and-control approach, driven by business goals and results?

Are You A Good Fit? 3 Interview Questions

Like dating, hiring a new employee can be a stressful but rewarding process. Before you find a perfect match, you may meet tons of qualified people. And like a first date, interviewing is essential to evaluate a candidate's qualifications and experience. But as you plan your interview strategy, don't forget about chemistry.

Hiring Is Hard: May The Best Brand Win #TChat Recap

The hiring scene today is like two sides of a rolling coin. On one side, five generations of diverse candidates are clamoring for what's on the other side - a mash-up of full-time, part-time, outsourced and freelance jobs that continue to be redefined on-the-fly by disruptive economic, business and technology forces.