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Updated by Wissen Research on Jan 04, 2022
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IP Market Research Services

Outrank the competition through Wissen Research IP market research services. We aid clients with the newest market trends but also in the development of plans and strategies. Our reports include key insights, market competitors, and grasps new patent technologies possibilities.

Market Research Services For Startups, Small Business - Wissen Research

Market Research is most important factor for startup and small business in development of plans and strategies. Our IP Market Research Service help clients to find new opportunities

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Get affordable intellectual property legal & consulting services from Wissen Research, a well-known global IP legal firm that provides services like IP protection (patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret), commercialization, licensing & litigation, Market research, paralegal, and contractual services.

6 Benefits Of Contract Abstraction

6 Benefits of contract abstraction

  1. A contract’s main terms and conditions are summarized for fast reference.
  2. Simplified contract information, such as highlighting key clauses and removing irrelevant information.
  3. Improves business commitment control
  4. Increased attention to critical obligations and risks;
  5. Contract compliance is effectively and promptly handled and monitored.
  6. Reduces the amount of time and legal resources spent on contract review.
How to do prior art search & Why prior art search is important?

Why prior art search is important and how to do a prior art search ? All details about prior art search your will learn in this blog

Wissen research worldwide IP technology & research company offers Patentability search, FTO, Licensing, drafting, prior art search etcetera services in the UK | USA | Europe

What is the importance of Patent Proofreading and its benefits?

In this blog, you will read about importance of patent Proofreading and its benefits. patent proofreading benefits in the finding of any errors that may have gone missing during the drafting of specifications.

Doctrine of Equivalents

Doctrine of Equivalents


When an applicant's patent application claims multiple innovations, the applicant may split the application and submit two or more applications, one for each

5 Things to keep in mind, when it comes to licensing intellectual property

Licensing is frequently the finest and most appealing option to commercialize or profit from one's intellectual property, especially when dealing with a

Patent Licensing : Benefits Of ln-Licensing & Out-Licensing

It is not easy to bring a new product or invention to market. It's a time-consuming procedure that starts from the day you experienced your eureka moment.