Listly by eCig Consumer Reviews
An informational list of e-cig reviews compiled from:
When deciding on which ecigarette products to include in our top 10 we knew we had to give Apollo a try. We'd heard great things about the Apollo brand and after contacting Apollo and speaking with some of the staff there, we were fairly sure that a company that had such great customer service and responsiveness surely would have a quality product as well.
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After reviewing the Apollo Standard Kit and seeing that Apollo truly is about quality, we were curious as to what the performance of their other vapor cigarette kits would be like. We spoke to Apollo ecigs about their products and they pointed us to their Superior eGo Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit.
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Green Smoke is one of the most widely-known and reputable electronic cigarette brands on the market, and rightly so, as they were one of the first e-cigarette brands to hit the US market in full force back in 2008.
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Blu has been around since late 2008 and is one of the elders of all the ecigarette brands out there. As such, it commands some respect and a good look at the product. They've got a boat-load of cash at their disposal since Lorillard (of Newport tobacco cigarette fame) purchased them early on in 2012.
EverSmoke is a fairly new brand on the market. Jumping into the fray a couple years after electronic cigarettes started becoming a part of the mainstream consciousness, EverSmoke decided to build a brand that was not only affordable, but also delivered quality. This was quite a tough task with so many "me-too" brands already out there.
The name "Halo" conjures up visions of angels to some, to others... online battles with the Covenant. If you have no idea what we're talking about, no worries. If you do, well just hold on because we're about to rewire your brain with a new connection to electronic cigarettes.
Halo Triton E-Cigarette - If you've been to ECCR before, you probably already know that we're big fans of Halo products. This small New Jersey-based company has come out of nowhere to literally make a solid name for themselves in the electronic cigarette industry.
Nicotek Metro is a younger e-cigarette company out there trying to make a name for itself amidst a growing jungle of other brands all touting they have the "most vapor" or are the "#1 rated electronic cigarette brand". It's a tough task and one not easily navigated.
SmokeTip is one of those electronic cigarette companies that sits silently in the background just doing what they do and doing it well. They may not have a million dollar marketing budget, the name and logo are pretty plain, and the packaging is nothing to write home about...
The word "South Beach" conjures up images of sun bathing, white sand, blue water, surfing and now.... electronic cigarettes. Based out of Ft. Lauderdale in Florida, South Beach Smoke has made for itself a popular name among the throngs of ecigarette companies out there clamoring for your hard earned dollars.
If you're interested in purchasing the v2 brand, it's not surprising as there are a mother-load of review websites out there that are listing v2 as their top choice. The v2Cigs company has done a great job of getting their name out there.
The White Cloud website states " ...White Cloud Cigarettes are a premium alternative to tobacco cigarettes ". We at ECCR took their best starter kit, the Cirrus 3X, for a long test drive and afterwards came to the realization that they weren't just blowing smoke with this statement.
The definition of the word "Phantom" according to Merriam-Webster's online dictionary is: "something existing in appearance only". We'd have to say that this is a fitting name for White Cloud's new stealth electronic cigarette.